(MINI) chapter fifty five: idk sorry for disappearing

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Immediately she looked away again, disgusted by the  crude and gory sight before her.

This time she waited until he had finished, sucking her dry, before she turned around once more.

His eyes were deep and bloodshot, a piercing red shade far deeper than usual. For a moment, she felt her own heart drop in fear.

Would he hurt her too?

This didn't seem like Vlad- the Vlad she knew. This was some dark creature of the night.

But right when she was about to run, his eyes returned to normal, and he hung his head, trying to gain his bearings and self control.

Finally, he stood up, holding the woman's body.

"I'll go.. dispose of this," he spoke gruffly. "You wait here."

She nodded as he stalked off, disappearing in the darkness of the night.

Passing the time as she waited, she kicked a small stone, watching it tumble across the dirt lane.

Her eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness, and soon enough she could make out Vlads figure returning in the distance.

Once he was close enough, she walked over to him, placing a hand on his bicep.

He immediately pulled away, making her eyes widen slightly.

"A-are you alright?"

He nodded.

"Don't touch me for the rest of the night. I wouldn't want to hurt you."


She took a few steps away to the left.

"Are we going home now?" she asked.

"Where else would we go? Come on now."

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