chapter 8: alone with her thoughts

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A.N: idk why I ended the last chapter the way I ended it sorry 😭 also sorry again for the late update i swear i have like the fanfic writer curse literally my life is falling apart rn send help. i wrote a longer chapter this time to make up for my disappearance. nearly eight hundred words 💀

Later that night, Evangeline found herself sitting on the porch of her new home, mindlessly staring out into the unknown- the "unknown" being the imposing castle in the distance. She couldn't seem to peel her eyes off of it.

Her mind was running in circles. Whoever it is, living in the castle- this man- wasn't human. That was definitely true. No human could perform he feats that he had done. There was no way. Could it have possibly been some sort of elaborate joke? Possibly.

But why would he even go to such lengths to trick her, if it was a joke? And how would he even go about it? It all seemed a bit too.. real. Evangeline sighed. Cold he truly be.. a vampire? She had always thought of herself as a sensible woman, a logical woman, who didn't believe in the folklore of the peasants. Vampires were a far fetched concept that she couldn't wrap her head around.

She sighed and stood up, raking her fingers through her thick long blonde hair, trying to put aside all thoughts of the mysterious man claiming to be a vampire.

Turning around to face the door to her cottage and reaching for the door knob, she found herself right about to enter her home when she suddenly felt a presence behind her- somebody was there. She quickly whirled around to find herself facing Vlad.

In his hands were a pair of gloves- satin, white with a lace trim. She quickly realized that she must have forgotten them at his castle when she took them off to begin eating then left in a hurry, her mind now-where near on her gloves.

She was silent at first, her eyes flickering over him warily, her hand lingering on the doorbell.

"Your gloves," Vlad said simply "I believe you forgot them at my castle this morning," he added before reaching out to hold the beautiful gloves to her.

Evangeline signed quietly, almost inaudibly as she took the gloves from his hands. "Thank you," she responded in a polite yet strained tone of voice, clearly feeling on edge around him.

His brow furrowed slightly as he shifted, placing his hand back inside his robes. His piercing red eyes moved to glance behind her, looking at the cottage.

"So this is your home?"

"Why else would I be standing here on the porch at- God knows what time it is."

"That's fair," he murmured before bowing his head slightly in her direction. "I bid you a good night," he said after a bit of a pause before turning on his heel slightly, as though about to leave.

However, before he began walking away, he seemed to pause for a moment, as though waiting for Evangeline to say something, anything in response, an excuse for him to stay. The night was young. His castle was.. lonely, though he would never admit it. This strange human girl- who didn't immediately begin running when he approached her with the gloves, even after finding out that he was a vampire- was the first person he had ever known to treat him in a remotely casual way, even if she wasn't being the most engaging person in the world right now.

"Good night," Evangeline responded quietly.

For a moment, she could see disappointment on his face at her bland response. He had been hoping she would say something he could use to twist into a conversation- perhaps a cheeky remark, or the like. But then, as quickly as it came, the expression was gone- so fast she wondered if it had even been there.

He nodded once more, and gave in, beginning to walk away.

Evangeline watched silently as he strode off, his tall and muscular frame beginning to blend into the shadows, until he finally disappeared from her view

And then, without a word, she stepped into her cottage, closing the door shut behind her and approaching her bed, having come to the decision that she no longer wished to be left awake with her thoughts. She had expected for her life here in the countryside to be much more dull than it was beginning to become, and while she didn't know exactly how she felt about that, she certainly knew that she was far too exhausted tonight to continue mulling over those thoughts.

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