chapter fifty eight: yip

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"Why would you say it like that?" She asked, laughingly.

"Like what?"

"Like, I don't know. Nevermind."

The air suddenly felt more than a little bit awkward.

He coughed into his palm, looking away, wondering why he suddenly felt his heart race.

Noticing that she had finished, he swooped in, picking the glass out of the sink.

"Where do you keep your silverware?"

"Uh, over there," she responded, pointing to a cupboard overhead.

"You sure you can reach it?" He teased, making her roll her eyes.

"Just put the damn cup in there," she grumbled.

"Ouch. That's going to cost you. Can I get a please?"

"Huh? No way!"

"What a pity. In that case, I won't be able to help you out, sweetheart," he retorted, feigning disappointment.

"Fine.. please," she grumbled.

"Please what?"

"Please put the cup in the cupboard," she sighed, relenting.

"Good girl," he teased, in a manner akin to how one might refer to a dog who had just performed a trick and was in turn deserving of a treat.

She rolled her eyes and sighed again as he followed through with her request.

Upon turning around, the two were silent for a long and hard moment.

"I'm bored," Evangeline finally spit out, causing her guest to raise an eyebrow.

"Where did that come from? A bit random, don't you think?"

"The correct answer was to initiate something that would cure said boredom," she retorted.

"Mind reading is not yet one of my abilities, as i'm sure you've gathered."

"Not yet?"

"Well I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually," he shrugged.

"It can't be that difficult after all," he added lightly.

"If it weren't then one would imagine you'd have already mastered it, right?"

"You doubt my abilities as if you have any of your own."

"Perhaps you could teach me," she suggested, jokingly.

"Perhaps I could," he responded in a far more serious manner, jolting her slightly.


He nodded. "I could bring over some books tonight. You could study them. Then we could go over it all. What do you think?"

"I.. I think I would quite like that."

She smiled.

He returned it.

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