chapter 5: good morning

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Evangeline brought her hand to the door of the castle and knocked- once, twice, and thrice- on the third knock, the door was opened, and in front of her was the same man she met last night. She took a few steps backwards before speaking.

"Good morning," she began, her tone slightly awkward "I was wondering if I could maybe have some food? I haven't gotten to purchasing anything to eat yet, and my cupboards are empty. Would you be willing to share some of yours? I can pay you back."

Vlad stepped aside, giving the girl room to enter the castle through the doors he had been blocking by standing in the middle of. She nodded in thanks and stepped inside, still feeling slightly embarrassed to be asking him for food after she had raised her voice at him last night for trespassing.

The man began making his way deeper into the castle, towards what Evangeline presumed would be either the kitchen or the dining hall. He was silent- he hadn't said a word ever since she arrived, leading the atmosphere to feel more than a little tense, though she followed him as though nothing was amiss.

They eventually found themselves standing in the middle of a great dining hall- massive with three chandeliers on the ceiling, and a long table piled with all sorts of delicious foods. Evangeline, for all her families wealth and prestige, had to admit that even she had never seen this much food during mealtimes at her fathers estate.

"Oh," she breathed "Oh wow."

When she turned to see where Vlad was, realizing that he was no longer standing beside her, she noticed that he had somehow managed to make his way to the head of the table in the split second she had taken to admire the meal. Her eyes narrowed in confusion. How could he have moved so fast?

"Do you plan on taking a seat anytime within the next century?" Vlad asked dryly as he pulled out his chair to take a seat.

"Perhaps the next next century," Evangeline retorted.

"I can wait. I have all the time in the world," Vlad murmured, his piercing red eyes following her as she took a seat down beside him in one of the ornate chairs, plush and comfortable.

"You'll probably be dead within 30 years," Evangeline said casually "You seem to be about middle aged, after all. Your 'time' is certainly running out"

The vampire leaned back in his chair, raising one of his thick dark brows. "You really don't know who I am, do you?" He said, a bit of a chuckle in his rich and deep baritone voice

"Did we not establish that last night?" Evangeline responded as she picked up a silver fork and began using it to slice into a rich, golden brown waffle sitting on the plate in front of her, it's smell drifting through the room.

"Would you like to know?" He asked as he too began to eat, keeping his eyes low, focused on the food in front of him, not making eye contact.

"I suppose it would make for conversation. Tell me who you are," Evangeline murmured quietly to herself with a shrug before gesturing for him to speak.


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