chapter fifty six: can u guys tell i have commitment issues

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The two quietly began making their way back to Evangeline's home, the moonlight illuminating their rugged path.

He walked her down the road until they finally arrived, at which point he opened the door for her.

She stepped into her home and shot him a weak smile. He nodded in return- a silent goodbye.

A moment later, he was leaving.

She closed the door and went to bed.

For the next day and a half, the two didn't see each other.

Things felt strangely awkward- they had ever since the previous night. She didn't know why, and neither did he.

But neither of them wished for things to remain as they were.

And so, around midday, Evangeline decided to pay her friend a visit.

After getting dressed, she opened the door, took a step forward, and immediately bumped into somebodies chest.

Upon looking up, she found that it was Vlad.

He quickly took a step backwards, as did she, and they both hastily apologized.

"I didn't see you there," she offered afterwards. "I was just going out to see you."

"I would say likewise," he returned "But I suppose it's quite obvious."

"Indeed.. I- would you like to come in?"

"Certainly," he responded, taking a step inside at the beckon of her palm.

"I actually brought you a gift," he offered.

Her eyes perked up and she turned to look at him.


His face had turned a slight shade of pink when she wasn't facing him, and she felt butterflies in her stomach at the sight.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small quill pen.

Outside of the slight golden shimmer surrounding the tip of the feather, it seemed to be entirely ordinary.

"Whatever you draw with it shall come to life," he explained "It's enchanted."

Her eyes widened.

"I've been working on it all morning, and I decided to give you the first prototype," he added.

She took the pen from his hand and silently looked it over.

"It's beautiful," she finally murmured.

He broke out into a grin.

"It's definitely still a work in progress," he responded in a slightly awkward voice. "And it's a bit malfunction-y, but I wanted you to have it."

"Oh, I don't mind," she quickly assured him "I quite like it. Perhaps I shall use it to create a new castle for myself."

"My castle is your castle," he chuckled "Feel free to visit at any moment."

"I wouldn't want to disturb you," she said, tucking the pen into a pocket on her gown.

"You're never a disturbance. A welcome distraction from my work, if anything."

"Work? You mean tinkering with new inventions and studying?" She asked.

"A bit of that, along with ruling. The vampires, that is."

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