chapter thirty five: arguments

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"Things have changed?" She repeated in a questioning tone. "What do you mean? Did you guys fight?"

"Would you like some more maple syrup?" He suddenly asked, changing the subject- a sign that he didn't want to continue discussing Victoria.

She nodded, and he poured some more over the pancakes. She shot him a grateful smile before digging in once more.

"Thanks," she murmured.

He didn't respond, though he gave her a look that acknowledged her words. It wasn't until she finally finished eating, almost half an hour later, that he spoke.

"Would you like to go to the forest? Victoria hasn't come back yet which is strange. Perhaps we can look for her."

"Oh, sure. We probably should actually. It's been a good twenty minutes since we last saw her," she responded as she stood up, holding out a hand to help him follow.

He took it, though he didn't really need to, considering that he was a vampire, but regardless soon found himself leading her into the forest.

They walked a little bit in silence. About five minutes passed without either of them saying a single word. Something felt strange. Off. They weren't alone this time, and it seemed to make them feel almost uncomfortable in a way.

But they did soon find Victoria. She had been sitting on a large rock- a boulder, more so, head in her hands, staring at a tree.

"Victoria!" Evangeline called out. "We came looking for you. You've been gone for a while and we got a bit nervous."

Victorias gaze flickered up to meet hers, and she pushed herself off of the rock before approaching Evangeline.

"Sorry. I just needed to clear my head."

"Let's return to the clearing," Vlad butted in.

"Yes. Let's."

This time it was Evangeline's turn to lead the way. She hesitantly pushed through the forest, feeling the grass against her legs and the bushes against her arms.

As she walked deeper, the forest became darker, the trees growing thicker and almost completely blocking out the sun above them.

Finally, she stopped.

"I'm sorry. I think I led you guys the wrong way."

"It's fine," Vlad quickly assured her. "It happens to the best of us. You're new here. It was my fault for giving you that responsibility."

"Not really.."

"Victoria if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say it," he quickly cut her off.

"Well it's the truth! I didn't even get to eat! Now I'm hungry and because of her, I can't! It's not fair, Vlad. Why are you taking her side when it's all her fault?"

"I'm really sorry. I didn't mean t-" Evangeline began.

"Quiet," he barked, shoving himself into Victorias personal space and pushing her against a tree.

"Evangeline has been nothing but kind to you this entire time," he hissed "I don't know what's gotten into that tiny empty skull of yours, but I've seen the way you've treated her. Im not as stupid as you see me to be. I see the dirty looks, the condescending tone. You will apologize. Now."

(A.N: LMAO not me writing vampire fan fiction when ive got finals tmrw instead of studying.. send help plz)

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