chapter 16: electricity

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Her brow furrowed at the sight. Vlad could tell by her reaction that she had never seen something like this before, and he chuckled in response.

"Would you like some help rebuilding everything?"

"Oh.. yes please," she murmured, still frozen in her spot.

Vlad pointed one of his pale fingers at the blocks and performed a motion with them, causing the blocks to suddenly lift into the air, all on their own, and begin rearranging themselves back to where the original ones had been on her home.

He then turned back to face her, a cocky smile playing at the corners of his lips.


He chuckled once more. "I'm presuming you mean that in a positive way, yes?"

"Oh, definitely," she murmured breathlessly, still feeling astonished by the sight that she had just beheld- it seemed almost unreal.

"You know," Vlad suddenly said in a thoughtful tone. "You could come back to my castle tomorrow. Perhaps I could show you a bit more magic and run you through a few of the spellbooks I keep there. Its quite fascinating, really, and I'm sure you'd enjoy it."

"Well, anything is better than having to stay here in this dreary old cottage."

"So it's a plan, then?" Vlad asked, a slightly hopeful edge to his voice.

"Sure. A plan. What time should I come over?"

Vlad paused, internally running through his plans for tomorrow to figure out when would be a good time for her to visit. "Right after breakfast," he responded after a moment. "I believe I shall be free from then to 4 pm."

"Perfect," Evangeline said with a nod "That's more than enough time."

There was a moment of silence between the two, neither of them speaking, and for a moment, it almost seemed as though there was a sort of electricity in the air- but then, just as quickly as it came, it disappeared.

Vlad pursed his lips. "Of course. Now, I bid you good day."

Evangeline blinked, feeling surprised by his sudden curt goodbye. However she didn't let it show, instead quickly dropping into a curtsy before turning back to the door of her cottage.

As her hand lingered on the dark brown oak doorknob, she suddenly paused, turning back around.

"Thanks, by the way."

But he didn't respond. He was already fading into the distance, leaving her all alone standing at the door.

Evangeline sighed, pushing it open and stepping inside, finding herself standing once more in her small cottage, an empty pit of loneliness beginning to churn in the depths of her stomach.

She took a seat in the living room, placing her hands on her knees and staring down at the floor beneath her, her head swarming with all sorts of thoughts.

Magic. Vampires.

Those two words in particular stood out to her- she still couldn't seem to get over the fact that he really was a blood sucking monster of the night, and that he could perform such acts of magic.

It felt like a fever dream.

Her brain was cloudy, filled with so many thoughts. She had witnessed so many new and strange things ever since she first met Vlad, and it appeared that now, she was going to get up close and personal with them.

She stood up and went to bed.

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