chapter fifty four: feeding

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Before she could respond, her eyes flickered over to the woman Vlad had set his sights on previously.

She was standing up, or at least about to, from the fact that she was gathering up her skirts.

Noticing where her gaze had moved to, Vlads head swiveled around, his eyes narrowing slightly at the sight of her.

Once she finally stood up and began making her way to the door, Evangeline turned to Vlad with a curious look on her face, noting how he made no move to follow her.

"Aren't you going to go after her?" She questioned.

"Not yet," he mumbled. "Wait a few moments after she's left the tavern. Wouldn't want to seem suspicious."

"Ah. Makes sense, I suppose," she responded, noting how serious he had become.

His eyes remained trained on the woman as she slipped out of the door.

A pause ensued.

A moment. Two. And so on.

He stood up, drawing his cloak closer around his tall frame and gesturing for her to follow in his footsteps.

The two followed, pursuing her and keeping to the shadows.

The world was dark, the street lights- few indeed there were- lighting the road, but not well enough to see much.

Evangeline clung to Vlad, a bit nervous due to the pitch black expanse stretching out as far as the eye could see.

The one thing they could make out was the figure of the woman ahead of them, seemingly not having noticed them yet.

Suddenly, Vlad sped up.

"Miss!" He called out, imploring the girl to pause, which she did, turning on her heel and facing them.

"Yes? Can I help you?"

"My wife and I are lost. We're new here, see," he offered, clearly using Evangeline as a prop to make himself seem less intimidating.

After all, any woman would much rather come across a man with his wife in the dark than a man on his own.

Lulling her into a false sense of security, it appeared.

She stayed quiet, watching the scene unfold.

"Could you please lead us to the nearest tavern? She and I are in dire need of a drink, especially after such a long journey. We've been in a carriage all day," he continued.

"Laying it on thickly, aren't you?" Evangeline thought to herself.

"Ah, of course," the woman responded, seeming a bit relieved that the request had been so innocent.

She turned around, facing the tavern in the distance and pointing in its general direction.

"See, go about a mile in that directi-" she began before getting cut off.

Taking advantage of the fact that she had turned her back to them and was unaware, Vlad had pounced.

Evangeline watched as he pinned her to the dirt road, flipping her over in the process and shoving a hand over her mouth to prevent a scream before sinking his fangs into her flesh.

Despite knowing what was to happen, she couldn't help but feel disgusted by the sight, turning so as not to behold it.

The air was silent with the exception of the sound of the woman's muffled whimpers slowly dying out.

Once they finally did, she turned back to face them.

The Heart Of A VampireTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang