chapter forty five: an explanation

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The next morning, Evangeline kept to herself. She didn't obey and come to the castle, instead choosing to remain in her own home and distance herself from him.

The day began to pass by, and Vlad found himself on edge, anticipation for her arrival coursing through his veins and leaving his body feeling hot.

But by the late afternoon, he realized that she wasn't coming. He must have scared her off, he realized.

And it was this realization that led to him instead choosing to come see her instead of having her come see him.

He knocked on the door to her cottage, more quietly than usual, and soon enough, she opened it. Her eyes widened at the sight of him.

"We need to talk," he said after a moment.

She looked away and sighed softly, biting her bottom lip.

"I guess. Come in."

She stepped aside, allowing him to enter, which he did. She closed the door behind him then turned to face him.

"Why don't you explain what happened last night to start with?" She suggested, pursing her lips.

He raked a hand through his long black hair, narrowing his eyes.

"Yes. I suppose I should," he responded with a sigh.

"I'm waiting."

"The other day, when Victoria came to your home.. the things she said- they were lies, I mean, she wasn't telling the truth."

She raised an eyebrow.

"She's always liked me. She wanted to split us up. Saw you as competition. When you visited my castle the yesterday I was confused.. I called Victoria over," he explained

"She told me everything. Thought I'd be on her side. But I couldn't be. I hate having others meddle into my private affairs. Our relationship is none of her concern," he continued

"So I might have let my anger cloud my vision.. I'm sorry for scaring you. I only wanted her to apologize. I can see now why you reacted the way you did."

She was silent at first, appearing to process his words.

"So.. you didn't- you didn't say all of those things?"

He shook his head.

"I would never. I care for you," he responded in a slightly shaky voice.


"Is that all you have to say?"

"I'm not sure what to say," she admitted, her voice trembling. "This is all very sudden."

"Ah, I see. I suppose I should give you some time to process it all.. I'll see myself out."

"No-" she protested "Don't- I- sit down."

She waved towards the dinner table.

"Let me make you breakfast- as an apology for giving you the silent treatment."

"Are you sure? I wouldn't want to trouble you. At least let me help you prepare the food," he responded, taking a few steps towards her.

She faltered slightly.

"I- sure.." she finally mumbled, clearly not in the mood to push back.

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