chapter fifty one: tavern talk (pt 1)

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As Vlad led Evangeline to the counter to order their food, she kept glancing over at a particularly loud group of men.

They were all clearly drunk, big and burly, farmers by the look of it, all appearing to be having a good time.

She couldn't help but feel intimidated by them though, so she tried to focus on ordering.

"I'll take some lamb and wine," she stated.

"Likewise," Vlad said, pulling out a small pouch of coins and setting it on the counter.

The man behind said counter reached inside, counted out the total, then returned it to the vampire.

"Take a seat," he said "The food shall be prepared shortly and served to you two."

Vlad and Evangeline both nodded simultaneously before he walked her over to the nearest table.

The two sat down, and Evangeline moved to pull down her cloak, revealing her long blonde hair.

"Whats the next part of your plan?" She asked "to find a victim, i mean."

"Well, there are certain criteria I look for," he began. "A young woman usually- alone. Defenseless. Somebody I could easily overpower."

A slightly nervous look appeared on her face and he couldn't help but chuckle.

"You're fine," he assured her. "You're the last person I intend on attacking."

"I'd better be," she grumbled.

He sighed contently, unable to tear his eyes off of her face for a moment before quickly pulling away.

He began glancing all over the room, as if trying to push her image out of his mind, before his eyes suddenly focused on a figure in the background.

It was a young woman with short and wavy brown hair, tanned skin, and green eyes. She looked harmless and innocent.

The perfect victim.

"I see you've made your choice," Evangeline commented lightly.

"I think so," he mumbled in response.

"Let's wait until she leaves. I'll follow her. Wait till she's alone. Then i'll strike," he quickly planned.

She raised an eyebrow.

"That was quick. You sound like you have experience."

"I've been doing this for longer than your lineage has existed."

"Well that's definitely not concerning."

"I see why your father sent you away."

She couldn't help but laugh at that one.

"If he hadn't, we wouldn't be here together, would we now?" She retorted.

"Perhaps," he grumbled.

"Ah, you know you love me. Where would you be without me? All holed up in that little castle of yours?"

"It's hardly little," he protested, his ego having taken a slight hit.

"Oh, it's more than little- it's tiny. I can barely see it, even when I squint."

"You keep going on like that and you won't have eyes to squint with," he teased.

"Hm, is that supposed to scare me?"

"If you were anyone else I don't see what other intentions I would have had by saying that," he responded.

"So I'm special?"

"As special as they come."

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