chapter 4: hunger

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"I am not surprised that you were sent away," Vlad remarked after a few moments. "It would be foolish to expect not to be. That is not to say that I do not agree with you, however it certainly isn't a very intelligent idea to insult the brother of a king."

Evangeline rolled her eyes. "Ah, so I'm stupid now, aren't I? Not only are you trespassing on my land, but you're also insulting me. Thank you. Thank you so much," she said sarcastically.

Vlad sighed quietly to himself. "You should go," he finally responded. "It is.. quite late. You have quite the day ahead of you tomorrow, I can assure you that living in the countryside is not half as easy as living in a fancy estate with servants at your command. You must be well rested. Leave my property before I see to it that you are forcibly removed," he said in a slightly colder voice.

It was in that moment that Evangeline suddenly realized just how exhausted she was. The fatigue slammed into her like a truck, her eyes drooping, her knees trembling slightly. Not even bothering to say goodbye, she drowsily stumbled upon her heel and began making her way out of the castle.


The next morning, Evangeline woke up quite early, her belly rumbling, an empty pit of hunger in her stomach. She had not eaten since the morning before- it had been 24 hours without food.

She looked in the cupboards of her cottage, expecting to find something to eat.


She went out to the garden to see if any fruits or vegetables were ready to be harvested.


She went to the chicken coop to see if any eggs she could boil had been laid.


She looked back to the purse of coins on the table- she could go to the marketplace to restock on food, however she was quite hungry, and she knew that she was living in such a remote area that she would have to ride for at least 30 minutes there and back. That meant an hour at least on transportation alone. She could only imagine how long it would take to do her actual shopping.

Either way, she was hungry now, and did not want to wait.

She stood in front of her cottage, surrounded by a few chickens nibbling at her ankles, and sighed, her eyes flickering across the landscape until they settled upon the castle.

He probably has something to eat.., she mused to herself thoughtfully. But what if he says no? I mean-

She sighed after a moment. It was worth the risk. She was hungry, and by the looks of his castle, this man was wealthy, and thus her taste would probably be more accustomed to his palate- French toast, tea, caramel apple cinnamon rolls, and strawberry filled red velvet crepes- than to the palate of villagers who ate more simple foods, such as vegetables.

After convincing herself that it wouldn't be that embarrassing to ask him for help, and reminding herself that it was only this once, she finally began walking towards his castle.

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