part twenty three: fine

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A.N: y'all are finally getting a tiny hint of romance ‼️23 chapters in.. slowburn much

Evangeline nodded enthusiastically, though there was still a hint of doubt, and even fear, on her expression.

"Yes," she murmured breathlessly, looking up at him with wide eyes.

Without a word, Vlad raised his hand and flicked it, performing some sort of gesture, and suddenly the orb began to float even higher.

A few moments later, it grew- it grew at least five times its side, and then exploded into several fragments that all released a powerful and bright, nearly blinding sort of light.

A great wind also found itself ripping out of the fragments. Vlad, on his part, gave no visible reaction to any of it, seeming cold and calculated, as usual.

Evangeline, however, was a different story.

She immediately closed her eyes and shielded them from the light with her hands, turning around. Having not expecting the wind, and thus not preparing by holding onto something for support, she went flying.

Right into Vlad.

For the first time since he had begun the process, he faltered.

Clearly having not been expecting for her to slam into him, he lost his footing and stumbled backwards a bit before quickly steadying himself.

Her face was pressed up against his chest, her cheek smushed up almost uncomfortably, her hands clasping at his cloak for stability, her legs wobbling slightly as she struggled to hold herself up against the strong winds.

Finally, it stopped.

The entire hall was silent. So silent, in fact, that she could almost hear his heart pounding loudly against her ear, which was still against his chest.

But no. That couldn't be. There was no way his heart could beat. He was dead.

One of his hands was at the crook of her back, propping her up, but the moment that the wind stopped, he pulled away, and she pushed herself off of him in suit.

There was an expression of confusion on his face as he stared down at her, one of his hands moving up to his chest, right above his heart.

At first, it looked as though he was about to say something, but he quickly held back, closing his mouth, which had been hanging open a bit.

"You-" he finally began

"Where are we? Where did you take us?" She interjected.

"Oh," he sighed, appearing to be glad that she was bringing up something else. "America. I've brought you to the New world."

"Why? Is there something here in particular that you wished to show me?"

"No," he responded quietly "But if you'd like to explore..."

"With you."

"With me?"

"With you. I've never been here. But I'm assuming that you travel quite a bit, since it's so easy for you to do so. Thus naturally you're more acquainted with America than I am, and i think I'd quite like to have a personal tour guide," she explained.

"Oh," he said said. "Alright."

"You've been acting quite awfully quiet since we got here," she responded, holding out her arm for him to take- etiquette, of course.

Hesitantly, he took it.

"I'm fine."

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