part twenty: sassy

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"How interesting," she murmured.


"You know it."

Vlad sighed, running his fingers through his long black hair. "Really, it's quite fascinating once you start reading it. I know that it sounds boring- all I desire is for you to give it a chance."

Evangeline raised an eyebrow at him. "Fine. Give me maybe thirty minutes."

Vlad nodded, not responding.


Evangeline set down the book, keeping one of her fingers inside to mark her place before pursing her lips and looking back up at Vlad.

"The thirty minutes are up," she said.

"I'm aware," he responded, gesturing to the clock in the corner of the library. "What did you think of the book?"

Evangeline paused before continuing. "It started off quite boring, giving me an overview before actually delving into the history. Said overview was presented in a boring and emotionless manner, so I disliked it. But I suppose after a while, it became.. slightly interesting," she admitted


"Fine. It was more than slightly interesting," she admitted with a roll of her eyes. "Happy now?"

"Oh, quite. I do not mean to be one to say this, but.. I told you so."

"Sassy for a man, are you?" She retorted

His brow furrowed. "Sassy?" He repeated slowly, drawling out the word as though he was tasting it, getting a feel for it in his mouth.

"I'm glad that your hearing is fine."

He stared at her with a deadpan expression. "I'm not sassy. If anything, you're the only one here who is even remotely sassy. Im not some teenaged girl."

"Ooh, somebody doesn't like getting called sassy!" Evangeline responded, fighting the urge to stick out her tongue at the vampire as though she were a young girl.

Which she technically was, at only 19, but certainly that was old enough to perhaps behave with a bit more decorum than a nine year old.

Vlad rolled his eyes as well, mimicking her previous action. "Sometimes I expect you to behave maturely. And then I remember how young you are."

"You don't even know how old I am," she retorted.

"Believe it or not, my deductive reasoning skills are better than those of a child's, and I can clearly tell that you're 18 to 20 years old."

Evangeline blinked, a bit surprised- he had hit the nail right on its head. She was exactly between 18 and 20.

"I'm 19," she said after a moment.

Vlad smirked- a cocky smirk, knowing he'd bested her, even if not by much. "Exactly," he responded.

"Ah, so when I argue, I'm young and immature, but when you argue, you're wise and experienced?"

He smiled. "You're beginning to catch on. Now get back to your book lest you forget how to read."

She shot him a strange look. "Forget how to read?"


"Ah," she murmured quietly before clearing her throat and reaching back for the book. "I'm almost finished though. Do you have anything else for me to read?"

He stared at her with a dead pan expression.

"Evangeline. Come on now. We're in a library."

"Oh," she responded, suddenly feeling a bit embarrassed. "Of course there are more things to read. Of course. I apologize."

He chuckled shortly, not responding, instead leaning back in his chair, his eyebrows raised as he watched her silently return to her book.

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