chapter 13: morals

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"I wish I could have been there to witness the rise of the Medicis," Evangeline said with a wistful sigh.

"Odd of you to say that when we're referencing a time period when the Medicis were exiled," Vlad mused. "The David wasn't exactly a symbol of the Medicis glory, but more of a symbol of their greed for power."

Evangeline sighed, relenting. "Well, that's not what I meant. I wasn't only talking about when David was made. I mean, in general- going from a family banking business to the most powerful people in Italy is.. really something."

"I believe your family also began from humble beginnings, yes?" Vlad murmured. "If I recall correctly, your great-something- grandfather married the daughter of a Duke after beginning a prosperous business that shot him a few ranks up higher in the social standings of France- high enough to marry the daughter of a nobleman."

Evangeline blinked.

"How did you know that?" She asked in a shocked voice, clearly dumbfounded.

"Your family is known for how quickly they rose into the kings good graces. I'm assuming you thought that story was only famed in France, yes? I suppose it's a bit more far reaching than it seems, for I, here in Romania, to have heard it."

Evangeline nodded slightly.

"Romania is far. I hadn't expected the story to be so widespread," she murmured softly.

"You underestimate it. It certainly is not every day that the son of a farmer finds himself amongst the royal court, one of his defendants the fiancé of a prince," Vlad responded.

"I was the fiancé of a prince," Evangeline sighed. "Not anymore. So im not sure it counts. Id be lucky to marry even a lowly peasant when I return- I have been disgraced."

"It's not all bad," Vlad said awkwardly, appearing to be attempting to comfort her, though if anything he came off more fiddly than soothing. "Marrying a peasant wouldn't be the worst thing in the world."

"You live in a fancy castle and probably haven't even seen a woman, peasant or not, for centuries. Don't tell me what it would be like to be married to a peasant."

"I suppose that's fair," Vlad relented with a sigh. "Though you could also choose simply to never marry, to remain a spinster living in the luxuries of your families manor," he suggested

"That may just be worse! Id be shunned and ostracized, mocked and insulted. I can see it now- the DeCarmille spinster, a burden to her family, well into her forties with no children or prospects!"

"You're being a bit dramatic, don't you think?" Vlad responded dryly, clearly having given up on any attempts to soothe her. "You'll be fine. Don't tell me you're so superficial that you actually care what people think of you."

"And you don't?"

"No. Why should I? I choose not to associate with my fellow nobles for a reason. They are all arrogant pricks. I like to think that I am a far better man."

"Don't you literally.. kill people to survive?" Evangeline responded sarcastically. "I'd hardly refer to you as a 'good person,' Vlad."

"You're acting as though I have a choice in the matter. Either they die, or I do."

"Couldn't you feed off of animal blood, perhaps?" Evangeline suggested in response.

"I could. However I'd rather not, as it isn't exactly known for being the most tasty thing in the world. It's bitter and dry. I've never met a fellow vampire who truly enjoys animal blood."

"Well, regardless, morally speaking, it's a better alternative than killing humans, so I'm not sure what your point is. You claim to be a good man, but choose to murder people instead of settling for something less delicious," Evangeline countered

"Nobody is perfect," Vlad responded, suddenly feeling awkward.

Evangeline raised one of her eyebrows. "That's one way to respond to somebody calling you out for murder."

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