part twenty seven: thoughts

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He smiled softly for a moment, appearing satisfied by her answer.

"Do you think you know the way back to the door or should I lead you there?"

"I'll learn my way around this place when pigs fly," she joked. "Now come on. Lead the way."

He chuckled before obeying, and they once more found themselves at the entrance of the castle.

The two stood there, at the top of the steps, silently. It seemed almost as though neither of them really wanted to leave. Evangeline in particular seemed hesitant.

She took a step closer to him, still not speaking. Vlad felt a strange warmth fill him in that moment, having her so close to him. Fearfully though, he looked away.

"You should.. leave," he grunted.

"Oh. Oh, yes. I probably should," she quickly responded sheepishly, taking a few steps backwards and distancing herself before darting off, down the steps and away.

He stared her down as she left, his eyes focused on her back, trying to ignore the cold sensation that immediately settled inside of him when she was gone.

With a heavy sigh, he slowly stepped back into the castle, immediately wanting to kick himself for not having set up another time to meet before quickly checking himself.

Why would I even want to? She's just some human I'm entertaining for a while. Soon enough I'll tire of her.

He sighed once more, trying to ignore, to stomp out any sort of positive emotions he felt towards her. She was funny, sure- mean though. But that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. It was entertaining, even.

She was smart, too. She could keep up with a conversation. He couldn't help but wonder what else she knew. It was fun to discuss things with her.

And she was pretty. In a dainty sort of way, like porcelain. But he immediately pushed that particular thought to the back of his head.

Pretty? What am I thinking?


Meanwhile, Evangeline stepped into her home and began changing out of her gown into a more casual outfit. She slipped into a nightgown, undid her loose ponytail, and then removed the necklace.

As she did so, her finger got caught right against the ruby. She pursed her lips and took a moment to examine it. She hadn't really had much time to do so at first.

But now that she did, she realized just how beautiful it really was. It glowed in the dim moonlight that had entered through her window, and the swirling shades of red glittered.

It was almost hypnotizing, and as she continued to stare at it, she couldn't help but get lost in all of her thoughts.

Why would he buy me this necklace? He doesn't seem like the kind to. It was so uncharacteristic. He's been weird almost all day, come to think of it. Ever since I fell into him. How strange.

She was only distracted by the sound of the kitten mewing quietly on her bed. She quickly whirled around to face it, forgetting all thoughts of both Vlad and the necklace, quickly dumping said necklace on her dresser before making her way towards the kitten.

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