chapter thirty nine: a visit

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And yet the moment he saw her, he just couldn't. Something felt different. He felt his defense falling apart every time he looked up at her.

Soon enough he couldn't take it anymore. Crumbling, he slowly walked away, leaving Evangeline confused and worried.

She thought about following him for a moment but quickly decided not to do so, assuming that there must have been an important reason for him to just.. leave.

And so she silently re-entered her cottage, shutting the door behind her with a quiet thud. After preparing a cup of tea to ease her mind with and sitting down to drink it, she released a heavy sigh.

What on earth was going on with him?

Ever since yesterday he'd been acting weird. Did he not want to be her friend anymore? But then why would he have defended her yesterday?

It was all so confusing. Nothing was making sense. And that was when she remembered Victoria.

She hadn't heard from her since the previous day. For a moment, her thoughts drifted back to the moment when she saw her leaning down, so close to Vlad, almost as though she was going to kiss him.

For some reason the thought made Evangeline ill, like she was going to throw up her tea. So she quickly got up and dumped it out the window to avoid throwing up.

When she turned back to face the inside of her house, she suddenly found herself facing Victoria, who had somehow managed to enter.

"Victoria? What are you doing here? How'd you- How'd you even get into my cottage? What?"

Victoria was smiling, but it didn't quite meet her eyes.

"Hi! I just thought that maybe I should stop by and try to clear up the air between us," she responded, ignoring Evangeline's question.

"You know, I'm sure seeing the way Vlad lashed out at me yesterday must have made you think that I hated you or something, right?" She joked, though it seemed more than a little bit forced.

"I.. guess," Evangeline mumbled, looking up at Victoria in a clearly unnerved manner.

"Well I'd just like to say that really, this is all just one big understanding. See, I have nothing against you. You're a perfectly nice girl. Would you though perhaps be nice enough to, if you have any left, get me some more tea? Im a bit parched. We can sit down and talk."

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