chapter twenty four: ruby

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A.N: three chapters in a day. can yall tell i randomly got motivation to write at three am last night??

She shot him a strange look, but decided not to continue questioning him, instead choosing to begin making her way to the door.

After that, she had no idea where to go, so she gave him a questioning and sheepish look that silently communicated to him that she needed him to show her to the door.

He gave her a slight, nearly imperceptible nod, and soon enough, they had passed through the doors and were standing outside.

It was quite a different scene, compared to rural Romania.

They appeared to have teleported near a port, with a marketplace visible off in the distance. An industrial area, loud, and filled with men selling their produce.

Evangeline grimaced slightly as they walked towards the marketplace- she had never been a fan of the rowdier scenes of cities.

Vlad, as perceptive as usual, quickly realized it by the way that she appeared to shrink slightly, caving in on herself and eyeing her surroundings suspiciously.

He chuckled, but it sounded a bit forced, more awkward than usual. "You alright there?"

"Of course."

He opened his mouth to respond, but was cut off by a man yelling out at them. He was bald, with a thick chestnut beard and potbelly, wearing an apron and manning a jewelry stand.

Not exactly the type of character you'd expect to be selling jewelry. Perhaps beer at a tavern. But jewelry? No.

"You! You over there! Long black hair!" He called out, pointing at Vlad, who's head whipped around to look at the man. "I've got myself here the finest jewels in all of the new world! You wanna woo yourself a lady, c'mere and get the perfect gift!"

Clearly, the man had assumed based off of their dress that Evangeline was a noblewoman and that Vlad was one of her suitors.

She quickly shook her head, feeling embarrassed by the mix up, but to her surprise, Vlad suddenly began guiding her towards the stall.

The man, with a self assured customer, clearly confident in his abilities to lure in customers, picked up a beautiful silver necklace with a ruby encrusted in it.

"This here necklace!" He proclaimed, shoving it in Evangeline's face. "Perfect for ya! Look at it! Suits you!"

"Really, im fine, I don't need any more neckla-"

"We'll take it," he cut her off.

She turned to him, looking shocked.

"Vlad, that is entirely unnecessary. I have hundreds of necklaces already, and I don't even wear half of them- it's a waste of mon-"

"How much?" He asked the man, ignoring her protests.

"Four coins."

"Done," he said simply, slamming a few coins on the counter, not even bothering to count them. "Keep the change."

Evangeline stared at his hands in shock. He hadn't pulled the money out of a coin purse or anything. It had simply.. appeared.

The next thing she knew, his cold and pale hands were at her neck, tying the clasp for her.

She stared up at him in shock and wonder as he leaned forward slightly, his face dangerously close to hers as he performed the action.

She averted her gaze, unable to make eye contact due to the close proximity.

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