chapter thirty two: a surprise

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(A.N: she said yes to going out btw i just forgot to write that lol)


Once Victoria left her cottage, Evangeline had felt a strange unnerving sense settling inside of her stomach. Something was off about this woman.

Sure, she seemed friendly enough, but she had a feeling that it was all a front that Victoria was putting on to seem sociable and happy.

Even hours later, when she went to bed, she still felt uncomfortable, though she hoped to sleep it off. And luckily, it worked.

When she woke up the next morning, she felt energized and had completely forgotten about her interaction with Victoria.

Until a few hours later when there was a knock at her door.

She hastily made her way there, dropping her embroidery on the floor as she rushed to the door, not wanting to keep whoever was there waiting too long.

Upon opening it she found herself staring at both Vlad and Victoria, standing on her doorstep. Victoria flashed her a smile and took her by the arm, pulling her out of the house.

"You're not even ready yet?"

Evangeline looked confused, stumbling slightly as she regained her bearings, surprised by their sudden appearances.

"You guys said you'd be here at 12.. it's not even 11!" She protested, trying to explain away her appearance. Her hair was disheveled, as she hadn't yet combed it, and she was only wearing a limp and plain gown, though she would have worn something far fancier if she'd known she was having guests.

Victoria shrugged. "We changed our minds," she said simply, as though that explained everything. Evangeline paused before replying. "Could I go back inside and at least make myself presentable before going out?"

"You look fine," she assured her, smiling, though it didn't quite reach her eyes. "Just come on. Don't keep us waiting."

For a moment, her voice sounded sharp and cruel, right at the very end of her sentence, and Evangeline felt confused.

Vlad had been quiet, silently surveying their entire interaction until now. "If she'd like to change then she can," he said quietly. "Who are you to forbid her? She does look fine, true, but if she'd rather get dressed then she has the right to."

Victoria sighed. "Fine, then. Just make it quick."

Evangeline nodded, quickly darting back into her home and closing the door behind her.

She emerged a few minutes later, her hair loosely braided now, and wearing a beautiful purple gown.

"I'm back!"

"Evidently," Vlad remarked dryly.

She rolled her eyes. "Someone's in a good mood today."

"Why wouldn't he be in a good mood?" Victoria interjected. "Especially when he's spending time with a friend he hasn't seen in so long like myself."

"Ah, that's fair," Evangeline relented with a shrug. "Shouldn't we start heading out though?"

"Ah, yes. I would like to be home before lunchtime so it would be ideal to set off as soon as possible," Vlad stated with a nod.

Victoria smiled and took his arm in hers. "Of course. Let's head off!"

And with that, the three of them began making their way towards the forest.

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