chapter 29: a cookie

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A.N: sorry that it's short! was just tryna push some content out

Once she arrived at his castle, which was still just as imposing as it had been on the first night they met, she knocked on the door a few times before waiting for him to answer it.

Soon enough, he did.

"You got me those gifts, didn't you? For the cat?"

He paused before responding, seeming almost embarrassed for a moment before he finally spoke.

"Yes.. I did. I thought perhaps they might be useful," he said awkwardly.

Suddenly, Evangeline smiled- a genuine and thankful smile that spoke volumes. Her bright eyes twinkled slightly, and Vlad felt his mouth go dry at the sight.

"Really? You didn't have to."

He opened his mouth to speak, appearing to search for the right words before responding. "It was my pleasure," he finally said before clearing his throat awkwardly.

"Can I come in?" She asked.

He raised an eyebrow at her. "Why? I'm a bit preoccupied at the moment."

"Oh. What are you doing?"

"Working on an experiment," he responded.

"What kind? Tell me about it."

"I'm performing blood transfusions between different animals to see if they survive or not. I'm curious as to whether an animal can live even if it's been infused with blood from a completely different being," he explained.

She grimaced slightly. "Oh. That's a bit gruesome, isn't it? How's it going though? I hope none of the animals have died.."

"Don't worry," he responded. "It's a completely painless process- I've seen to that using magic. And even if they were to pass on, I would simply revive them."

"Still," she countered "I feel bad for them."

"Taking in a pet of your own has softened you, hasnt it? I'm a vampire. I don't particularly care enough to feel bad."

"You cared enough to spend time and energy on casting a spell to make everything painless."

He paused, clearly scrambling for a response before sighing, having relented.

"Fine," he grumbled. "You've got me. Would you like a cookie?"

She smiled up at him cheekily, knowing that she'd won. "A cookie? I was thinking maybe two."

"Or two hundred, knowing you."

"Are you calling me greedy or fat?"

His red eyes widened in surprise at her words, clearly not having been expecting her to say that.

"I- no, I-" he scrambled, fearing that he had accidentally insulted her.

"Oh calm down! I was only joking!"

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