chapter forty: a visit pt 2

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"I'm not in the mood to make any more tea," Evangeline said quietly.

"No problem! We don't need any drinks. Anyways. How has your day been?"

"Good, I guess."

"Oh I'm sure. I'm sure. You know, I noticed Vlad walking over here a few minutes ago, yet I don't see him."

"He didn't get here," Evangeline clarified awkwardly. "He returned to his castle halfway through."

"Oh. I didn't notice that. Why do you think he did though?"

"I don't know. And I don't particularly care. If he wants to visit me he can. If he doesn't, he won't."

Victorias eyes lit up at that.

"Aww, you know, I think I might know why he didn't come," she started.

"What? Tell me." Evangeline demanded, appearing to perk up for a moment, clearly curious.

"Welll, Vlad and I had a little chat yesterday after you left. Apparently you're just a form of entertainment to him."

"What do you mean?"

"He told me that he was just passing time with you. He doesn't actually care about you. He was just bored," Victoria said.

Evangeline stared up at her in shock.

"No, he wouldn't say that."

"But he did," she whispered in response.

"And you know what else he said?"

"Tell me."

"He said that he wanted nothing to do with you anymore," she continued. "He's apparently had his fill of your company. You're boring, he says."

Evangeline's brow furrowed with confusion, a bit of hurt creeping into her facial expression.

"Really?" She whispered.

Victoria shrugged. "Indeed. How unfortunate. You know, if I were you, I would never talk to him again out of sheer spite. I would never take that kind of disrespect."

Evangeline was silent, her eyes wide with concern and worry. She wasn't that bad, was she?

"Is there anything else that he said?" She finally asked after a moment.

"Hmm. No. Not particularly."

"I see," she mumbled, suddenly feeling sick again.

"Are you alright?" Victoria asked, feigning worry.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. I think- I think I want to take a nap."

"Is that your way of telling me to leave?"

"No, no," Evangeline quickly responded, not wanting to seen rude. "I just-"

"I was only joking," Victoria interjected. "Go ahead. Take your nap. I'll see myself out, alright?"

Evangeline nodded shakily, watching as Victoria quickly slipped out of the cottage, slinking out of the door silently.

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