chapter forty one: marketplace

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For the next two days, Evangeline stayed inside her cottage.

She had no human interaction, keeping to herself and trying to just forget about everything.

Vlads betrayal hurt. But she knew that with time she'd completely forget about his entire existence.

She'd went through all of her food during the time she'd spent cooped up indoors though, and soon enough she realized that she would have to go out and buy some more.

And so with a heavy sigh she pushed open her front door, and holding a small purse of coins, began to make her way to the marketplace.

It wasn't very close, and she had to walk for a good thirty minutes, but she soon arrived at the bustling street that it was located on.

She'd never been in this city before. It was small, but not small enough to be considered a village. Loud, though perhaps that was just because it was a marketplace.

She heard vendors shouting out their prices, hoping to lure unsuspecting customers in, and the chattering of the common-folk as they shopped.

"Fish! Cheapest fish at the market!" A man shouted, right by her, startling her.

She quickly turned to look at him, still walking, and ended up bumping into a little old woman who had been holding a bag of produce.

The bag fell to the floor, as the woman nearly did, and the fruit spilled everywhere.

"Oh! I'm so so sorry! Let me help you!"

She quickly bent over and began gathering the produce, returning it to the bag as the woman watched her from above.

"Watch where you're going next time," the woman scolded angrily, shoving Evangeline. "Children these days! Absolutely no respect for their elders."

"Leave her alone," she suddenly heard a voice ring out from behind her.

A tall, lanky boy with messy blonde curls had appeared seemingly out of thin air.

"It was an accident," he continued. "She didn't mean any harm."

He grasped Evangeline by her arm, gently pushing her away from the woman and stepping in between them.

The woman's eyes narrowed. "You too? You ought to be ashamed of yourself! Have you no respect? I'm old enough to be your grandmother."

"Listen. Drop it. She apologized. She didn't mean any harm. You're just itching to start a fight, aren't you?" He retorted.

Evangeline stood there with wide eyes, watching the situation unfold.

"Guys, both of you, calm down. I- I'm sorry, miss," she quickly spoke, hoping to ease the tension between the three of them.

"Oh I don't care about you anymore," the woman responded. "It's this lad that needs to learn to mind his own business."

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