chapter thirty two: confrontation

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The boys eyes flickered over to Evangeline and he flapped his hand at her, a silent signal for her to go, telling her that he would take care of it.

Quickly, she scurried off.

How uncharacteristic of me, she thought to herself as she did so. This wasn't her. The real her never would have just left like that. She would've stayed and defended both herself and the boy.

What had happened? Had she really let herself be affected by the situation with Vlad that she had lost one of her most prominent personality traits? Standing up for herself and others?

This couldn't keep going on.

She needed closure. Something had to happen to settle it all down. She couldn't keep going like this.

But.. what better way to get closure than to confront Vlad about everything? See how he really felt?

And so right there, standing in the middle of the street, she realized that she needed to talk to him. The next thing she knew, she was rushing thorough the crowded streets, racing to his castle.

The moment that she arrived, she pounded on the doors as if her life depended on it.

He didn't open the door immediately- in fact, he took so long to do so that she wondered if he was even home. Or if he was just ignoring her.

The moment he had seen her through the peephole though, he had frozen, hyping himself almost, to open the door and face her.

But when he did, it was like all the fight left her. Seeing him in person seemed to bring back all the hurt she felt back when Victoria spewed those lies at her previously.

"We need to talk," she finally said quietly after a moment.

He raised an eyebrow at her. "Of course. By all means. Is something amiss?"

"Victoria told me everything."

His face hardened slightly at the mention of her name. "What do you mean by 'everything'"? He questioned.

"You know," she began "I don't think I expected this from you. Did I really mean so little to you? I thought we were friends."

This time, he looked confused.

"Evangeline? I don't understand. What are you talking about? What did Victoria tell you?"

Her eyes narrowed.

"What do you see me as?" She asked "A friend? Or a form of entertainment? A human to.. toy with."

He was quiet at first.

"Evangeline," he finally said softly. "You're my friend. Of course I don't see you like that. Where on earth did you get that idea?"

"Why don't you ask Victoria?"

"Ask her wha-" he began before she quickly cut him off with a single finger, held up to his face, silencing him.

His eyes widened in surprise at his own reaction to it. He had really obeyed? How uncharacteristic.

He was speechless, watching as she suddenly walked away. She was gone, just as quickly as she had came, leaving him confused and worried.

What on earth just happened?

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