chapter 12: a questioning

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A.N: This one is pretty short, sorry! Just wanted to get something out there since it's been a while since I updated.

"Answer my first question then," Evangeline ordered. "How long has it taken you to amass such a massive collection of literature?"

Vlad paused. "Some.. ten thousand odd years. That's a rough estimate. I'm not so sure. The years have long since begun to blend together for me," he said with a sigh "It is difficult to differentiate between them- I lost count centuries ago."

"You're old," Evangeline responded simply, her eyes wide.

"Is that supposed to be an observation, or an insult? Because I am inclined to believe the latter," Vlad said questioningly, raising one of his eyebrows.

"An observation. Don't assume the worst."

"A bit difficult, considering the kind of person you are."

Evangeline rolled her eyes before asking the next question. "Moving on. Those sculptures. Are they real? As in, genuinely from Ancient Greece or Rome?"

"Oh, yes," Vlad said. "I had them commissioned during my travels in Greece. Tis a pity that the sculptor is long since dead, as I would have loved to have more, however I suppose that six are enough."

"More than enough. These must be.. ancient. I'm surprised that they have held up for as long as they have. You'd think that they'd have long since begun crumbling," Evangeline said thoughtfully

"They're made of marble. Marble is not easily damaged, and I have gone to great lengths to preserve them so that they do not suffer any harm. It would be unfortunate for them to be damaged after I spent so much gold on them."

"Marble, huh?" Evangeline murmured "I've always wondered how marble sculptures are created. Clay, I can understand- it's easy to shape clay, however to take a solid block of marble, work at it with a hammer and chisel, and suddenly find yourself with such a beautiful piece of artwork? I don't think I shall ever understand. It must take an otherworldly amount of precision and skill."

"Well, naturally," Vlad responded casually "There is a reason why most sculptors are well into old age- they have spent a lifetime studying, perfecting their work. You do not see many 18 year olds, fresh out of finishing school, creating masterpieces that land then amongst the likes of Michelangelo."

"Have you seen Michelangelo's David, by any chance?" Evangeline inquired

"I have indeed. I was there during the unveiling. Personally, I found the sculpture a bit.. untoward- crude, due to the nudity, however I still can attest that it is a truly beautiful piece of work, even if I personally am not fond of it."

"I can imagine it all," Evangeline says with a sigh "I believe the sculpture was welcomed with open arms by the city, yes? Twas a time of great change, after all- the renaissance- the rebirth- society was becoming more open, for better or for worse."

"Correct. Many artists at the time were introducing nudity into their work, especially those sponsored by the Medici family. The political state of Florence at the time also played a part in how well received the sculpture was. It was seen as an empowering symbol."

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