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Apple of the Eye

Later that day Aidan got another surprise for me. I don't know how he managed to do all this in the same time with having our community help service out from the city, the 2 year anniversary surprise at school and now this, well i'ts Aidan we're speaking of, like my bestfriend said the most sweetest boyfriend ever!

He prepared a dinner for two, it was home cooked and take note he was the one who prepared all the mouth watering foods on the table, if I didn't tell you yet when it comes to me he makes sure that I eat only ''nutritious and clean foods'', he is a little bit of over sometimes, I know!

He got me also a human sized teddy bear with our faces in its body part. He was the one to carry it up alone from the place where we had our dinner to the car and up to my room making him really tired.  *chuckle.

Afterwards he bid his goodbye to me and to my entire family. My mom and my brother Matty pursuade him to join us in the family dinner  but he respectfully declined it.

He said that it's our own time as a family, though he knows that he's already a part of it, he still insisted that he needs to go. So my mom gave him the permission and a defeat hand sign from matty.

See, I know now how things will turn out in the future when they find out about their princess messing up the perfect life they all giving.

'' I really love that boy, he always proves that he's worthy for the blessing we've given to him, right honey? '' my dad started to talk pertaining to Aidan, my mom nod her head enthusiastically while continue eating her salad.

'' I'm looking forward on your wedding day my princess '' Lucas teased choking me out.

My mom instantly rub my back and gave me a glass of water to drink. I guzzled in the water down my throat and when the salad finally gone down to my stomach I rest my back on the soft cushion of my chair.

'' It's still early for me to be a wife brother! '' I told Lucas darting him the look of just shut up! but he only winked and grinned at me.

'' that's why we're just looking forward, Aidan is a perfect prince charming with the sword on his side ! '' Matty added to the fire Lucas had started on.

'' Matty!!!!'' I groaned aloud making them all laugh.

'' enough with that, your sister is not yet 18 to talk about her wedding, but you know honey really you two are good together '' my mom told laughing softly.

'' Mom!!! even you? I thought you will always go over my side then why you taking my teasing brother's side right now??? '' I pout my lips to them and they just laugh at me, sometimes it's really my worst nightmare to be the youngest, my big bro's always making fun of me and now including mom.

'' Ha ha ha don't worry my princess dad is with you '' he sincerely told trying not to laugh but failed to do so as he laughed much louder than my two hated brothers.

'' enough enough before our little princess here water her eyes like what she did before when she saw mom '' Lucas sarcastically interjected making dad and Matty to stop laughing for a moment then laugh much louder.

'' funny Lucas! Mom make them stop please '' I pleaded my mom and she ordered the 3 boys using her rigid voice sound.

Then finally they stopped!

'' I love you mom'' I mouthed her earning a wink from her, we continue our dinner eventually followed by a little more of chit chat until it was already past 10 pm and we decided to retire for the night.

Sorry this chapter is kinda short, the concept of making a small scene with the princeton family over dinner suddenly popped up in my head when I was having my coffee, so I write it down, but hey I'm in progress of doing the next chapter so just wait patiently.


Cheating my Boyfriend with my Girlfriend (GxG story)  - COMPLETED  *UNEDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now