chapter five

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"Okay so the cards I'm giving you guys is the room key. Your bags are already in your room and the number of your room is on the back of the key. Remember, you can visit the common building and library at anytime. The campus is very large so if you need directions, you can ask anybody. They will definitely understand," Via said while clapping her hands together. Midoriya peered at her closely and could see that she started to fidget from what seems to be out of nervousness.

"If you want to go into the city, ask the student in charge of the dorms and they will give you a pass. There is a curfew at 10:00, but it just means you have to be in your dorm building. You can go to bed anytime you want. We expect you guys to keep the dorms in tip-top shape and not to break anything. There are more rules but they are on the guidelines that I am handing out right now," Via said as she was indeed hastily handing out the guidelines.

"Thank you so much!" Toru Hagakure said excitedly. Via jumped a little but it wasn't noticeable, she forgot that the poor girl was there.

"Before I go, word of advice, try not to bother the other student your living with today or in the morning tomorrow. They just came back from a hard trip today so I guarantee that they are not in a good mood and they are definitely not a morning person. If you wantto come out of this trip unscathed, then I advise to be out of this building in the mornings before 6:00," Via quickly said while turning her back. She wanted to quickly leave because she knew there would be hell to pay if she stayed.

"Wait, what-" Mashirao Ojiro starts.

"I'll answer any other questions later. I have to go, see ya!" Via said as she started to run. As quickly as she was there, she was gone.

"Well that was weird and totally unmanly...." Kirishima said dejectly and crossing his arms. He liked the unique girls company, her apperance was quite unusual.

"There's so many rules here, jeez. We're going to have to find away to have fun around" Mina said while crumbling up the poor paper and throwing it away.

"I don't know about you losers, but I'm going to my room," Bakugo said after finally unravelling the tape Sero put him in. Some people nodded their head as they were going to do the same.

Midoriya stayed put, as he was wondering why a person like Via, who seemed to be extremely powerful, was shaking like a scared dog just by stepping into this building.

"Guys, sorry to interupt this peaceful moment but there are some heavy footsteps coming towards us in a beeline and none of us have left," Kyoka Jiro said while adjusting her ear pluged into the floor. She noticed that the ground was shaking, so she plugged her ear in to figure out what was going on.

"...that must be the other student then..." Uraraka said as the rest of the class went to slience. What were they supposed to do?

"Its getting closer, kero. I can even hear it now, kero" Asui said while looking to everyone. Nobody dared moved as they didn't know how to approach and solve the situation at hand in so limited time.

"Via basically said to avoid this student at all cost so what the hell is everyone standing around for? We can't be fighting and causing trouble on the first day! RUN!" Jiro said as she unplugged her ear and ran to the other side of the building along with the majority of the class.

"Fucking cowards..." A certain blonde said while staying put and igniting fireworks in his hand. "Whoever this is, lets fucking do this!"

"Via, why are you running?" shouted a feminine voice. Via immediately stopped and turned around.

"Oh, hey Taylor. I just dropped the U.A. students off at Tower E" Via said while wiping the sweat off her forehead, " I tried to get out of there so quickly, that I forgot I had a teleportation quirk."

Taylor giggled, causing Via to blush with some embarrassment, "Well that just- oh, my god" Via, confused, just frowned and was about to ask what was wrong.


Via looked back at the direction she came from and saw the tower that she quickly tried to leave from was on fire.


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