chapter twelve

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Today was the first day of the U.A. students day. Though their day did start off a little rocky. For starters, they all woke up late since Via and Taylor neglected to tell them that school starts at 6:00 instead of their normal school time, which is 7:00. I mean crime waits for no man, am I right?

The big question is now, why didn't Y/n wake everyone up? The truth is that Y/n is never on time to her classes either. She absolutely hates school and never makes it to class on time because she doesn't care enough too. Although, being the good person you are, you decided to wake everyone up so that they could attend their classes.

6:05. You awake every U.A. student by going to each floor and yelling into a megaphone.

6:07. Every U.A. student comes to greet you in the common space. All except Bakugo.

6:10. Kirishima goes to wake up Bakugo and take him out of his bed.

6:11. You start to make breakfast while everyone else cringes at Bakugo's profanity.

6:21 Bakugo finally comes down to the common space while you finish breakfast.

6:22. You serve the pancakes as an apology for the other day and the U.A. students start to eat.

6:33. The U.A. students  are done eating and ask what time classes start.

6:34. You tell them that classes already started about 30 minutes ago at 6:00.

6:35. Everyone starts to scream and panic while rushing to get ready for classes.

6:39. They all run of Tower E in haste, seeing who can get to class the fastest.

"MOVE OUT OF MY WAY DEKU" Bakugo screams as he blast past the rest of the running students. "YOU CAN'T BEAT ME!"

"Kacchan this isn't a race! We have to get to class!" Midoriya pants as he runs with books in his hands.

"Midoriya why did you bring books? It's hero class today, at least you're wearing your suit," Jiro says while running beside him.

"I thought we might need it," Midoriya responded keeping it short.

In hero class...

"Okay, so everyone put your suits on-" The teachers starts to say. Suddenly, the double doors burst open, revealing 15 or so students bursting into the room and falling over eachother.

"I apologize on half of Class 1-A, we are so sorry we are late" Iida says while bowing and putting his head down. The teacher looks at them completely stunned.

"Who the heck are you guys-"

"Oh there you guys are! What happened? Did Y/n not wake you up on time?" Via said with concern on her face. She looked at the teacher, "These are our new interexchange students from U.A. Academy," Everyone gasped at the sudden news. Most of the people in the class looked up to them.

"Woah, you guys got here pretty fast!" You said as you walked right past all the interexchange students into the classroom.

"Y/n! You were supposed to wake them up and tell them what time school starts for me!" Via said while crossing her arms. You just shrugged.

"My bad,"

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