chapter thirteen

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You looked back at the shooken U.A. students and winked. You just shrugged cause it seemed like they were focusing on something else other than you. You proceed to plop down in your usual spot in the classroom, and lifted your legs up to rest it on the desk. Your eyes were closed as you were waiting for the U.A. students to sit down and for the teacher to resume the lesson. Suddenly the air around you felt cold as you started to hear someone speak.

"Excuse me..." Todoroki said coolly, the freezing air visibly coming from his mouth. You open your eyes and stared at him for a bit.

"Oh sorry," you said as you put your legs down. He walked past you and to his seat, that already had his books. 'He must of left earlier than everyone else' you concluded as you stared at him walking to his desk and bookbag.

Strangely he sat next to you, something that confused you since you thought he was the type of guy to prefer sitting alone.

You looked at him and said with puzzlement, "Why are you sitting next to me, icy hot?"

Todoroki looked back, confused with the nickname, at her with a stoic face, "Is there a problem? I was sitting here first," he simply retorted.

"No, you just seem like the type of guy that would want to sit alone," you said and closed your eyes again. Todoroki just shrugged and looked at his classmates. Instead of staring at Y/n, they seemed to be staring down Todoroki instead.

"YOU HALF AND HALF BASTARD! WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE US UP IF YOU WERE GONNA GO TO CLASS ON TIME!" Bakugo screeched. He was about to use his quirk, but before he could he was restrained again by Sero with the help of Kirishima and Kaminari. "STOP TAPING ME YA FUC-" Bakugo managed to get out before Kirishima slapped some of Sero's tape over his mouth.

"Bakugo, we can't have you blowing up the classroom, it would be unmanly," Kirishima said and dragged him to some seats.

"But, it is a valid question. Why didn't you wake us up, Todoroki?" Shoji asked while looking at him.

"When I woke up, no one was around. I just thought everyone already left," Todoroki said from his seat. Everyone just sighed, replied with 'it's fine' and 'okay', and shuffled to some seats.

"Now can we get back to class, huh? We have to get to training, today we'll do some one-on-one combat fights. Everyone grab your suits and gear then meet me outside on the field," The teacher said while they put their books that they were holding on their desk.

"What? I just got comfy though..." you whined as everyone got up.

"Y/n, get your lazy ass up and let's go!" Taylor said suddenly popping out of nowhere and pulling your leg.

"Taylor, get off of me! You're gonna pull my leg off!" You say. Taylor ignores you and continues to pull at your leg. Suddenly you both feel a punch to the head, and you both cry out.

Taylor, with tears in her eyes, looks up at the culprit to chew them out,  "What the hell, Ezra?"

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