chapter thirty

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"Wow, you guys actually made it to the library. It's like 8:15, what the hell were you doing?" Via said to her other half of friends arriving. She was laying back into Taylor while Taylor was braiding her hair.

"Ah Via, it's alright. It's not like we actually missed anything," You said while plopping on the couch beside them.

"Ezra, do you have my headband? I think I handed it to you before I left," Nia said with her back turned. She was looking for it on the other side of the room. Ezra grinned and took the headband off of his head. His poofy curly hair fell all over his face.

"Yea but can I keep it? It keeps my curls up," He responded. Nia turned around and giggled.

"No, you doofus. I need it for my hair,"

"Well then you better come and get it," Ezra said as he extended his arm up in the air, keeping it from Nia.

"This isn't funny, Ezra. We get it, I'm short, how many times are you gonna do this?" Nia said while running over and jumping the highest she could. This continued for about 5 minutes.

"Oh my god, just get a room," Erron said while sprawling out on the table. Nia started to brush profusely and Ezra just started to laugh uncontrollably.

"Ezra!" Nia screamed with her red tinted cheeks. She finally had enough and instead of jumping for her headband, she winded her leg back and kicked Ezra in the side.

And boy did he fly

"Ugh, that test was so hard, I should have studied more," Kirishima said while scratching his head sheepishly. All the U.A. students finished their test and were heading down the hallway towards the common area of the library

"I agree, my brain actually hurts from the number of words. How can you fit them all on one page?" Kaminari said exasperatedly.

"I'm just glad it's over, kero, now we just have to get through our fights with Y/n, kero," Asui said while walking beside Uraraka.

"I'm not looking forward to the fights, it seems like Y/n is quite the formidable opponent," Shoji said while stretching his arms. Koda hummed in agreement.

"Yea, whenever someone speaks about her, there's just this overwhelming feeling of respect. Is she that good?" Ojiro wondered. Everyone nodded and wondered. None of  the U.A students have ever actually seen you fight seriously.

"It does matter, I'm gonna win when I fight her-" Bakugo started while reaching for the door knob, only to be interrupted by a flying Ezra crashing through the door. "-what the hell?" Bakugo said while jumping back.

"Whoopsie, I guess I went a little overboard. It's alright, just step over him when you come into the room," Nia said while walking over and snatching her headband away. Ezra just groaned as everyone stepped over him.

"Hey guys, how was the test?" You asked while looking at them. A serious of groans ensued and made you chuckle.

"Is he okay?" Midoriya asked while looking back at Ezra.

"He's fine, he isn't that important anyway," You replied while waving your hands. Via got up with a half finished braid and Taylor whined saying that it wasn't finished.

"There's been a change of plans, I'm just gonna tell you guys the order of the fights now," Via said while pulling out a paper from her blazer pocket. Midoriya tensed up, knowing that the outcome of his fight all rided on his order in the line up. I mean, what are the chances right? There are so many other people fighting, what are his chances of being first?

"1st up in the line up is Midoriya, then Todoroki and Bakugo-"

Well shit.

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