chapter fifteen

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"Taylor, you just close your hand- don't put your thumb inside or you'll break it- and pull your arm back along with your foot," You said while closing her hand and pushing back her arm. "Your forearms have to be vertical and your elbows tucked in. Your hips have to be slightly tilted away from your opponent. Now when you throw your punch, you do it straight forward. The power comes from turning your hips so make sure to do that as well,"

"Y/n, this is to much information to just throw a punch," Taylor whined. You just sighed and ignored her comment. You walked in front of her and got into your fighting stance.

"Punch me,"

"What! No way, I don't want to hurt you, I hate sparring!"

"Trust me, you're not going to hurt me, plus you need to learn how to fight or you can't be a hero,"

"First of all, that was rude! I could SO hurt you, I'm not weak," Taylor said jokingly and you just smirked, " And, second of all, I don't need to learn how to fight. I can just do what I did in the entrance exam,"

"Yeah, that's true but there might be a time that you're alone and have no one around,"

"I've already planned for that silly, who the hell do you think I am?"

"Oh yeah, right. My apologizes, Conductor," You said while bowing jokingly.

"Y/n! The principal wants to see you!" The teacher screamed to you. You just sighed and looked at Taylor. She just shrugged and gestured to the direction you were supposed to walk in. You began your walk, thinking of the things the principal would want to speak to you about.

'I literally spoke to him yesterday. What could he want now?' You thought as you walked up to his door. You walked in, not bothering to knock, and closed the door behind you.

"You should really learn how to knock,  Y/n. It's extremely disrespectful for you to just walk in," A deep voice said to you.

"You call me down here so much, it's like my second home. Now, why would I knock on my own door?" You said while sitting in the chair in front of his desk.

He chuckled and looked at you with his piercing eyes, "I called you down here about the placement exam,"

"What about it?"

"I'm a bit worried about it," He said while pulling out some papers. You were slightly taken aback. Him being worried about you was a bad sign. He was usually confident that with anything you do, you will come out on top.

"There has never been a time were you've been worried about me. These U.A. students must actually be exceptional for you to be calling me in about this," You smirk.

"Indeed, they have all been in real situations where danger was a real possibility. No other student at this school has had that experience, except for you. Because of these situations, they are easily more advanced than half the students that attend Hero Academy-"

"Get to the point, do you think someone will be able to take my number one spot?" You say while trying to hold back your grin.

"It is a possibility..."

You burst out laughing, "I honestly don't see the problem here. I'm bored at this school, no one challenges me. No one has any power to fight me whatsoever. But this-" you look at the paperwork on his desk. It's stats about three U.A. students, in particular, "-they'll actually challenge me. My boredom ends here,"

"Y/n, this is no laughing matter-"

You abruptly get up to leave and put your hand on the doorknob, "What? Are you gonna tell me that I have to win to persevere the reputation of this school? That if any U.A. student wins, we are ruined? That I'm the face of the school and I have to show that  I'm superior?"


"Don't worry, Uncle. I'll deal with this,"

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