chapter twenty three

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"Coming up into this school a day before the rank test, B/n? This is a bad idea, and even I know that," Rouge whispered in his ear. It was the day before the rank test, and school at Hero Academy was in session, yet B/n didn't seem to care.

"First of all we're in public, codenames only," B/n said while opening the door to the main building for her. She huffed as she walked through the door, not even bothering to thank him. "Second of all, not everything is about Y/n. I need to talk to Arden, now. This is of the utmost importance,"

They walked through the hallways with pace. Some students were looking at them with puzzlement since they were unsure of who they are. Others looked with surprise, because what would heroes like them be doing here.

Rouge looked at her surroundings with slight disgust. She had bad memories that had to do with children and school. "What is so important that you can't discuss it with me? We're partners in work and beyond, we talk about everything," she said.

"This is about my parents, Rouge. It's definitely something you don't want to hear," B/n said without shifting his gaze from the space in front of him. Rouge opened her mouth to say something but chose to stay quiet instead. He was right, if it was about his parents and him, then she really didn't want to know. "Rouge, left here then we'll be in front of Arden's office," B/n said as he turned the corner and Rouge followed.

They turned the corner and came across giant dark wooden doors. Each door was engraved with golden markings and follow a pattern. To make the doors even fancier, there was a beautiful panel of window allowing a person to see into the principal's office on each side of the doors.

B/n put his hand on the door, and just as he was about to pull it, a voice called out. He looked at Rouge, but she only gave him 'I told you so' look. They both looked around, but to their surprise, it was not Y/n that called them.

"Ivy," Via said with her arms crossed. She was absolutely furious with her.

Rouge looked shocked, but quickly went back to her stoic face, "Yes, Via?" She responded. B/n only smirked at the confrontation.

"I always told you you can't run away from your problems. Y/n wasn't the reason this was a 'bad idea', am I right...?" B/n whispered the Rouge, now revealed as Ivy. She huffed with dismay and turned away from him. B/n just looked up and gave Via one of his infamous smiles.

"I need to talk to her-" Via started without smiling back. She shifted her eyes to the side for a second but quickly went to focus on Ivy and B/n again.

"Don't worry, you will. I have an important meeting to go to," B/n opened the door and slightly walked in but stopped just enough to say something else:

"Rouge, settle things with your sister before you even bother coming into the meeting. Can't let anything distract you,"

And with that, B/n closed the door behind them and kedt the sister duo to do whatever as they pleased.

Asui was quite puzzled today. She couldn't sleep so she decided to train a bit more and go to the pool. She stayed at the pool for a little to long and was running late for class. She was almost certain that everyone else was at class and looking for her. This whole situation was weird since she usually kept the time much better.

Now as she was hopping her way to class, she passed the principal's office. She saw Via talking to a man as well  as a woman and it definitely was not a happy conversation. Via quickly looked at Asui, which Asui gave a wave followed by a 'kero'. Via ignored her and went back to focusing on the man and woman, which was the other weird thing.

When the U.A. students came by, Via always gave a friendly hello. Did Asui do something wrong? She didn't
know at this point.

Eventually she made it to class and apologized to the teacher for being late. She went over to Midoriya, Uraraka, Iida, and Y/n. She told them how weird her day has been so far and as soon as she got to the part about Via with the man and woman, Y/n shot up from her seat and ran out of the classroom without a word.

"Well, I guess you can add that to your list of weird things," Uraraka said while looking at the door confused.

"Yeah, kero..." Asui said while sheepishly scratching her head.

(trying to just bang out some chapters since this book will be long)

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