chapter six

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"What the hell are you thinking? I get that shit is getting hard for you, but you need to get it together! You're the literal image of this school, you can't be fighting students, idiot!" Taylor screamed while holding your arm. You were sitting around the ground while Taylor ranted and wouldn't let go of your arm.

You looked up to her, "It's not like I wanted to start this to happen, Taylor. I forgot they were coming today, so I thought someone was breaking in-"

"Save it. I'm so mad at you right now, I'm about to kick your ass to the moon,"

You started to whine and continue your conversation with red hot brunette. While that was going on Via stood in front of the shocked and speechless U.A. students, "Didn't we go over the rules with you guys an hour ago? I'll give you a chance to tell me what happened."

Everyone looked at eachother, nodded, then proceeded to talk all together at once. Via, not understanding a single word, held up her hand telling them to stop.

"Midoriya," Via said while pointing at him. His whole classes looked at him then began to send their prayers, "Tell me what happened."

Via spreaded out her arms why and proceeded to point to the destruction behind her, "Explain to me why there is a giant hole in Tower E and why it's burnt to a crisp?"

15 minutes ago...

'Who could be causing all this noise? Is someone breaking in to steal the TV or some? It's probably those damn freshmen.' You thought as you started to run down the hall. Truth be told, you were the same age as all the freshmen but you skipped a grade because of how advanced you apparently were. It never really matter, since everyone basically took the same classes anyway.

You were about to reach the corner that would ultimately turn into the common area, where you knew the mysterious people were. About to start up your quirk you heard, "Whoever this is, lets fucking do this!"

'That definitely does not sound like any freshman I know- oh god, I know who it is, the U.A. students! I'm such and idiot' you though as you run started to slow down. After you took a shower from coming back from your mission, you took a nap and completely forgot that they were coming today.

Although you slowed down, you came around the corner pretty quick. As soon as you came around the corner, hot flames came crashing towards you. Gasping, you immediately jumped up and activated your quirk to shielded your body as well as preventing any burns.

In the air, you saw several U.A. students which confirmed your suspicions. Gracefully, you landed on the ground and glared at Bakugo with your intense e/c eyes.

"What the hell kind of quirk is that?" Bakugo questioned while looking at the furious female. A red gold crystal seemed to be covering her arms, legs, and torso when the fire hit her. The crystal was melting of her, and it was dripping a liquid on the ground which seem to be.....


(I decided to be nice and post another chapter today to make up for the one chapter I didn't post about 2 weeks ago. The second and final part of this flashback will be continued next chapter so stay tuned!)

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