chapter fifty

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"Oh my god- I can't keep up- you know I hate running," Taylor said wheezing. On the way back to the school, you had run into Taylor at the entrance. "Who the heck is attacking Via? We were supposed to go out!"

"Stop talking! You can hardly breathe so save your breath," You said while running and looking around.

"I don't see anything, maybe the others found her already?" Yaoyorozu said out loud. Your group had split in order to cover more ground; you were currently with Todoroki, Midoriya, Yaoyorozu, and now Taylor as well.

"Hopefully, I just feel a bit anxious-"

"Over there!" Midoriya spoke up and pointed. In the distance, you could see a figure waving there hands to catch everyone's attention.

"You can see that far?" Todoroki question Midoriya and he just nodded as a response. Suddenly, a black hole appeared in front of everyone.

"I guess that means she's still alive," Taylor huffed while bending over to catch her breath.

"Hold your breath when you go in guys," You said quickly before jumping into the hole. Without hesitation, Midoriya jumped and both Yaoyorozu. On the other end, you landed on your feet and proceeded to walk towards the scene ahead of you.

"Is Taylor with you?" Via asked while getting up from the ground.

"Yea she's on the other side trying to catch her breath. Anyway, what happened?"

Via shrugged, "I was trying to get snacks, Ivy appears, tries to kill me-"

"-Not on purpose" Ivy interject while looking towards you.

"-Erron and Ezra saves me, and Erron demands payment,"

"It's only fair," Erron says while leaning again his brother's back.

"Heroes don't usually demand payment," Ezra said while pulling out candy from his pockets for his brother as well as himself. He glanced over to see Taylor coming from the portal and walking over to Via, which made him sigh with relief.

"What's that glowing?" Todoroki ask while peering at Ivy's arm.

"Hell if I know," Ivy responded.

"Glowing? Where?" You said while looking at Todoroki. He points and you grab Ivy's arm to investigate, "woah, this is just like the other one,"

"I was thinking that too, the alchemy symbol that the student had as well. Only different is the symbol is embedded in the regular tattoo she has. You can only really point it out when it glows," Ezra said after popping more candy.

"But why is it glowing? Is it someone's quirk?" Midoriya says while racing to look over the tattoo as well. You gave him room to look; his knowledge could be helpful.

"I don't know, but the fact that it was hidden in my own tattoo is proof enough isn't it? I'm telling you I didn't want to hurt anyone! I don't even remember how I got here!" Ivy protested.

"That could go either way. For all we know, you just wanted to hide the symbol not to let anyone else know. Forgive us for being wary," Via said while crossing her arms.

"Well whatever the case is one fact remains clear, we absolutely cannot have our conversation near Ivy, " You said while crossing your arms. "Erron, you should watch over Ivy since you have the paralyzers. Is that okay with you?"

Erron nodded and left to go watch Ivy, "Everyone else, just walk with me over here,"

"We for sure have an enemy. Whether Ivy is working for them is the question. Hypothetically, if Ivy was working for them, it would be unwise to talk over her since we have no way of knowing if she can communicate with the enemy," You deducted while rubbing your temples.

"The more I think about this, the more I believe that of all the outcomes, the best one would be if your friend was the traitor," Yaoyorozu shared.

"But why? How could the best outcome be a traitor in our mist?" Via questioned.

"Her being a traitor means she did this of her own free will. That's not as big as a problem as if she was unknowingly being controlled. Assuming the glowing tattoo is some type of quirk and Ivy is being controlled through the tattoo, that warrants the question if other people in the city are unknowingly being controlled as well." You said.

"We don't know the range or limit of the quirk either. It could be one person at a time, or a whole crowd," Midoriya spoke.

"A lot of people have tattoos and hidden ones at that. There's no way we could predict who is being controlled without invading someone's privacy, plus there's just way to many people," Ezra said.

"If the person's quirk is powerful enough, the whole city could be taken hostage at any moment," Todoroki suggested, which made you shiver.

"Oh shit, this is bad" Taylor panicked

"Wait a second! We can't get ahead of ourselves. We don't even know for sure if this is mind control. And if it is mind control, we don't even know if they can do multiple people at a time. All the mind control quirks I've seen have only been able to control one person at a time," Via said halting everyone.

You sighed, "You're right. Hypothetically, what if Ivy actually was a traitor?"

"Well then, we would probably be right to assume that the symbol would be the marking if some group, since you've all have seen multiple people who have it?" Ezra said.

"Yea sure but what do they want? What do they get by attacking us?" Yaoyorozu questioned.

"Who knows? Either way, we have to find out who made these tattoos-" You tried to conclude but was interrupted.

"She's seizing!" Erron said loudly while dropping to his knees to tend to Ivy. Every quickly whipped their head around to see Ivy spasming on the ground.

Well shit.

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