read to know next update and to save my feelings

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Hey y'all I know it's been awhile

Sorry, that wasn't really supposed to happen. The break was supposed to be short, but then college applications happened and I just had no motivation to write.

Now that the new year is coming, Ichor will be returning shortly. To be exact, in January when my dual enrollment classes and college applications are finished.

That being said I would like to say a few things:

I see every single comment everyone makes. I get notifications the instant someone makes one.

Now I'm not saying that people are not entitled to an opinion because everyone is. I for the most part love the comments I get.

I just ask that everyone lightens up a little bit in the comments. Mainly because I'm sensitive as hell and sometimes they do hurt my feelings a little bit, even though I know people weren't trying too.

Everyone is allowed to hate and love what they want about the story. It just hurts me sometimes because I work kinda hard on oc characters and plot lines. I do have reasons for making the amount of ocs, their personalities, and the time the spend with U.A. the way it is. Though I will try my hardest and acknowledge the criticisms in order to make this the best story possible.

This probably will be deleted later

See you in January,

ICHOR [Bnha x Fem!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now