chapter twenty two

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Several days has passed since the U.A. student have arrived. The top five of Hero Academy and the U.A. students have grown to become great friends. The five, or more like six, separately introduced themselves to the transfer students. Now they study, practice, and eat together like a family.

In another sense, the U.A. student have actually become quite popular within the school. The days until the rank test passed with swiftness, but each day the crowd cheering them on seems to grow. Everyone loved Y/n, but they loved watching challenging fights even better. The whole school is just waiting for the test with anticipation, no one knew what would happen. Would their old 1.1 rise to the occasion and dominate? Or would she fall and a new 1.1 era begins?

The main competitors spent their time before the rank test doing a variety of things:

Bakugo spent his time in the open fields. He knew he had to get stronger, since her barely lasted 15 minutes fighting with Y/n the last time. In the open field, he focused on the power amd range of his explosions. He knew that needed to keep Y/n at a distance, or he would have no chance of success. She had one hell of a kick.

Midoriya spent his time in his room. He decided on taking a different approach; he was trying to remember Y/n's movements from her fight with Bakugo. Thoguh he could barely remember the fight, he decided this was his best strategy. Midoriya could barely beat Bakugo and yet Y/n defeated him with ease. He ultimately decided that a gameplan was needed, but the information he had wasn't enough. In the order of fights, he prayed that he would be one of the last ones. If this did happen, he would have time to view Y/n and complete his strategy. If he was first, he was screwed.

Todoroki spent his time in the library. He wasn't really keen on the idea working out at the moment. He didn't know what he was up against, and he didn't care. He just studied for the written test. He was pretty confident he could win the battle, but even if he didn't, he figured Y/n would be close to collapsing by the end.

Uraraka spent her time in the gym. She was working on her strength and on her hand to hand combat. She figured that if she touched Y/n she could win. Little did she know, Y/n was extremely agile.

Iida spent his time on the track. He decided that becoming faster was his best course of action. With speed, Iida believed that he could push Y/n out of the ring. Other than this, he focused hard on the written test. He wanted to place high in rank and make everyone proud.

Tokoyami spent his time trying to control Dark Shadow. If they understood eachother and struck at the right moment, the possibility of him winning was heightened. He practiced outside of the dorms and alone. Dark Shadow and him becoming one would make him an overall better hero.

Asui spent her time at the pool. She kind of had a water quirk so she decided her time would be well spent their, studying as well as training.

Yaoyorozu spent her time in the kitchen. She decided that in order to train her quirk she had to constantly create something without a break. She decided that some food, in this case apples, seemed to be some good practice. Unfortunately, the apples didn't really taste that good...

Kirishima spent his time outside, at the back of the dorm building. The outside of the back of the Tower E was covered with stone and metal. Kirishima decided he would try to slowly eat away at the wall to try to harden his quirk.

Now this leads us to Y/n, the alpha of the school. She's been watching the U.A. students with a keen eye. Watching them study, practice, and train. She can't help but smile at their efforts.

What has Y/n been doing all this time?  Well, she hasn't been doing anything, actually. She doesn't really care that much about the rank test. What ever happens, happens is what Y/n thinks. She's looks at how all the U.A. students are training hard and becomes a little envious. She's never had the opportunity to work that hard for something she wanted. Her family has never given her the chance to go for something that she wanted.

Y/n looks at the U.A. students and sees that they want to give this test their all. She thinks it's only respectful that when the time comes, she'll give it her all as well, whether she loses or wins.

(hey guys, i've been thinking that i'm going to be revealing a lot of quirks soon. would you all be interested in a list that tells everyone's quirks and explains how they work as well as the advantages and flaws? this would be located on the character reference page. comment about it please)

(please comment, vote, and follow me! thanks for reading!)

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