chapter twenty seven

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It was now nighttime and the U.A. students were extremely tired. Y/n's last minute hell training was actually hell to some of them. A lot were so tired they could barely walk. Y/n being the kind soul that she is, saw that this could happen and schedule the rank test for late in the afternoon, so everyone could sleep in. The only thing is that school would be out, and Y/n knew that her classmates definitely wanted to see the fights.

"When you said training, I didn't think it would be so hard," Kaminari said dejectedly. Koda agreed by shaking his head and twisting his fingers against eachother.

"Some of it is stupid common sense! Like to treat a person's burn, you first remove them from the source of the fire. Like, no duh, dumbass," Jiro said while she shuffled her feet. She looked at Todoroki, who seemed perfectly fine, "Todoroki, how are you not tired?"

He looked at Jiro, just shrugged, and kept walking beside Y/n. He was listening to your conversation between Midoriya and Bakugo.

"You better bring your all Y/n, because I won't hold back for the fight," Bakugo said with a huge smirk.

You smiled and closed your eyes, "I wouldn't dream of it. You make sure you bring it too, alright? I don't want to beat you too quickly like last time,"

Bakugo blushed and looked away, trying to think of something else to say, but his mind was going blank. Midoriya, relatively next to Bakugo, smiled listening to the interaction. You laughed at Bakugo's expression, and both of the U.A. boys simultaneously thought that your laugh was blissful.

"Please don't tell me you have anymore training in store, Y/n. I'm not sure I could take it, kero," Asui said while dragged her feet.

"No, not tonight. You guys should just relax and get ready for the ass kickings I'm gonna hand out tomorrow," You said jokingly. The majority of the students laughed, the other half smirked at the challenge.

"I'm actually very excited tomorrow, you seem very powerful Y/n, I know that you'll challenge us," Yayoruzu said and smiled. You nodded in agreement.

"I'm excited too. You guys have a really good reputation for being first years, with all your powers and potential. I've never really had a challenge when I've faced anyone, and  hoping you guys will be different," You said smiling. It's true, everytime you sparred with someone at school, you easily won. I mean, that's why you're number one.

You could feel that someone was about to say something to continue the conversation, but they were interrupted by you opening the door to the dorm building. No one realized that you guys made to the building.

You called out once everyone was inside the lobby, "Rest up guys, you have a hard day tomorrow. The way it's gonna work is that I'm gonna wake you up at 6:20, so you have 40 minutes to get ready. The written test starts at 7:00 in the library, so don't be late. The rest of the five and I will be waiting at the entrance to cheer you on. The test is an hour and a half of all the hero stuff we went over during the week. After you guys come out, you have an hour break. After the break, Via will tell you the order of the matches and lead you to a waiting area just outside of the arena. When it's your turn, you fight me. These matches only last for 20 minutes, so do your best. Once you're done, you can watch the rest of the matches in the crowd area with the rest of the school, or you can go back to your dorm building cause you're excused for the rest of the day. Got it?"

'That was a lot of talking' you thought.   Everyone nodded and acknowledged you with determined looks on their face. You looked at them with a closed eyed smile and gave them a thumbs up.

"Good luck guys!"

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