chapter twenty one

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"The dude's your uncle, you cheater?!" Bakugo yelled at you. You giggled and flashed him your best smile.

"He is, but I assure you, I gained my status on my own terms," You said. Bakugo blushed while looking at your smile but proceeded to get ready to yell again.

"Kacchan, stop screaming, let her speak!" Midoriya said while looking at him. Midoriya really wanted to hear your story, he found you quite intriguing.

"Deku, get away from me! I'm not screaming, but go ahead! Talk, you cheater," Bakugo said while looking at you with red cheeks but a fierce glare.

"Well, the dude isn't really my Uncle. He's a close family friend that I grew up with and I called him Uncle," You started while wringing your hands, "I actually got to this school first and got my status all on my own because of the push from my parents. Then to keep an eye on me, my parents got my Uncle to apply for a position at the school,"

Everyone nodded their heads with understanding but Todoroki was the only one to speak up after your words: "Your parents are controlling?" He said while looking at you with sympathy.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that. They really were..." You said but your voice drifted off in the end. Everyone noticed your use of 'were' but collectively decided not to pry.

"If we take a left here instead of following the usual path, we'll get back to the dorms quicker," you said. Everyone shook their heads and followed you down the path.

10 minutes later...

"Okay, so who wants to be on dinner duty with me?" You said while washing your hands and looking back. Everyone groaned and longed for the fast food they had yesterday. You laughed.

"Guys! I'm kidding, you all have to be on dinner duty, sillies," You said with a chuckle. The groans became louder and you just smiled.

You guys arrived at the dorms about 10 minutes ago and just talked for awhile in the common room. The U.A. students had questions about the rank test on the way their and in the common room, so you answer them with the best of your ability.

You called to the students that you had to get something from your room and you would be back. And your way back from grabbing your earbuds, you ran into Bakugo. You ran into his chest full force and bounced back onto the floor. "Dude, we have to stop coming together like this. The last time this happened, our dorms were destroyed," You laughed.

Bakugo barely whispered a sorry while he scratched the back of his head and had a huge red blush on his face. You got up, and held your hand out to Bakugo. He looked at you for a second and then grabbed your hand with an iron grip, "I was looking for you, cheater,"

"Why do you need me?"

"Well, for our fight and stuff- you got in trouble but- errrrr.... sorry...?" Bakugo said in a questioning fashion, like he's never said sorry before. You looked over him as a whole, his hand were on his head, eyes averted away from you and on to the wall, his face was bright red.

"Thats alright, let's head back," You said and proceeded on your walk to the kitchen. Bakugo let out a breath he didn't know he had been holding. His heart had been beating way faster than normal. He dismissed it and started to head back as well. Bakugo was just glad he didn't have to apologize in front of everyone else.

"So Y/n, I heard you didn't greet us on our first day here because you were fighting some villains?" Kaminari said with a grin.

"Yeah, that's definitely manly," Kirishima contributed. You looked back at them and took some vegetables out of the fridge.

"Yeah, I was. My brother wanted me to go stop a fire or something," you responded.

"You guys can use your quirks in public without having a license?" Tokoyami asked with curiosity.

"No we can't. I just have one because of my big bro, and I save people from minor threats as practice. I can't do any high level stuff yet,"

"That's amazing, you'll be a great hero someday," Iida said with a gentle smile on his face.

"Yeah, I mean, I guess. But the thing is...I don't really want to be a hero," You said while you chopped up the rest of the vegetables. Everyone around you gasped and looked at you with confusion. I mean, why are you at Hero Academy if you don't want to be a hero?

"If you don't mind me asking, why don't want to be a hero? I mean you're at a training school for heroes so most of us assume that you want to be one," Uraraka stated with a sheepish smile and scratched behind her head.

"Well, I was always going to go to this school because of my parents. It's was more of their dream than mine. I just feel like society has created this version of a hero that isn't idealistic. I don't want to contribute to that. I don't want to contribute and make a corrupt system even more deranged," you look at the U.A. student and smiles at them, "When I look at you guys, I know that you wouldn't fall into that idealistic, fake version of a hero. You all choose to become heroes for the right reasons. Not for fame or money or status; you guys want to be heroes to save people. That's not me. I have no desire to become a hero. I'm just doing this because my family wants this for me. I'll inevitably just contribute to the system,"

"Y/n-" Midoriya starts but is quickly cut of by you.

"But not you guys. Definitely not you all. You guys- you'll help the system. You all will be true heroes,"

(I love everyone's comments. They make me laugh❤)

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