chapter eighteen

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"Woah, I think we got away," Said Jiro said while huffing. They all ended up in an empty hallway on the side of the main building. There seemed to be no one around at all.

"I think it's kind of sweet that we have fans," Uraraka said with a smile. She looked to her fellow classmates and in between breaths they agreed.

"Can we try to find the cafeteria and go to lunch now though? I'm starving," Kaminari said.

"I agree! Being hungry isn't manly at all," Kirishima replied while holding his stomach.

"No need to make a fuss, let's go now! Eating some food right now would be fabulous!" Aoyama said while rubbing his stomach as well.

"I think it's down this way, guys," Iida calls out. He points down the hall and they all agree to follow him. Everyone  starts to chat about random things as they walk down the hallway.

Just as they are about to round the corner they hear a voice, "There you guys are! How are you liking the school so far?" A soft voice said. All of the students jump in surprise. No one knew where the voice came from.

"What the hell..." Bakugo said as he looked around. There was a slight gasp and some giggling.

"Oh, I'm sorry guys. One second," The air in front of them started to sparkle and within a split second the air turned to mist. A girl with black curly bangs and brown eyes stepped out from the mist. "Hi, my name is Nia, I'm one of the top five. It's nice to meet you guys,"

Midoriya stared with awe, "Is that your quirk?" He asked. She shook her head.

"No, it's something I can do with my quirk though if that makes sense. My quirk is elemental control. I can basically control all four elements. Right there, I just used water vapor to disguise myself and make it seem like I was invisible," Nia said while looking around and scanning all the U.A. students.

"That's really interesting, did it take a lot of practice to master?" Yaoyorozu asked while putting her hands on her hips. Nia scratched her head while thinking.

"No, not really. I could just do it ever since I was little. I just like being invisible to others so they don't bother me," Nia said with a shy smile.

"We like it..."Todoroki said quietly. Nia looked at him a bit confused. "To answer your question from before if we liked the school or not..."

"Oh that's good! I'm glad you like it. Anyway, I was supposed to tell you guys that you're rank test will be happening in a week," Nia said with her bright eyes. Everyone collectively said 'WHAT' while looking at her.

"Oh don't panic! It's really easy. All you have to do is the written test, which is basically common sense and then fight Y/n for a bit. Just try to beat her, but if you don't that's completely fine," She said with a closed eyed smile, "I mean you could probably study for it with the books in the library, but you guys probably know that stuff already."

"I have one question, but it isn't related to the rank test," Kaminari said while messing with his fingers, "Can you show us to the cafeteria, I'm starving!" Everyone sighed while Nia just started to laugh.

"Yeah, I'll show you guys to the cafeteria. Come on, follow me," Nia said while walking down the hallway. The U.A. students quickly followed.

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