chapter thirty seven

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"NO VIA DON'T!" Ezra yelled in the kitchen. According to Via, they were taking to long cooking dinner so she went in to help. Via is absolutely terrible at cooking though and anything she touches taste horrible.

"Are they okay in there...?" Iida asked you. You just shrugged while glancing at him.

"It's no big deal, this always happens, that's why I already got us covered," You said while getting up and looking at the time. "Via! I need you!"

"What?" Via said exasperated, "I have to go help them"

"First of all, no you don't and second of all, I need you to transport me to the front entrance and leave it open until I comeback," You said. Via didn't question you and held at her hand, creating a black hole on the floor which you jumped through.

"Wow, that will always be surprising no matter how many times I see it," Kirishima said while holding his stomach.

Suddenly, three pizza boxes emerged through the hole and landed on the ground next to it with a soft thud. "Seriously, Y/n? Pizza? It's like you had no faith,"

"Well I didn't," You said as you climbed out of the hole. Via just shook her head and went back to the kitchen to tell the rest of the five to stop cooking.

"Thank god!" Kirishima said as he scrambled over to the boxes.

"We don't even have plates yet, idiot," Bakugo said as he hit Kirishima in the head.

"I don't even care, I'm so hungry," Hagakure said scaring you. You didn't know that she was next to you at all.

"Well I get first dibs cause I'm hungry and have been working hard, all for nothing," Ezra said while walking out of the kitchen and glaring at Via.

"Hmph, you make it seem like it was my fault," Via said while looking away, crossing her arms, and blushing since she knew it was her fault.

"That's because it was..." Erron said while peaking from behind Nia, who just stood there silently. Via, about to retaliate, was suddenly interrupted by Bakugo.

"Where are the god damn plates!?" He yelled while pushing through everyone.

"Awe is little Bakugo hungry?" You teased while stepping in front of him. He blushed and looked at you defiantly.

"Shut up before I light your ass on fire-"

"Like you even could. It's like you don't remember the fight we just had,"


"Hey! Don't you dare blow up this building again! I don't think I could take another earful from the principal," Taylor said while shivering and remembering the thought.

"Kacchan, please don't fight, the plates are in the kitchen, " Midoriya said while coming between you took. Bakugo just stuffed his hands and his pockets and stalked towards the kitchen.

"All that noise was giving me a headache," Todoroki said from the couch while closing his eyes and holding his head.

"You're telling me," Yaoyorozu said while looking at the scene before her.

"...what's that noise?" You mumbled while slightly opening your eyes. In you peripheral vision, you could see the night sky through the window.

You laid still for a second thinking about the events beforehand, bringing a smile to your face. You all, including the five, ate pizza while talking and you actually had that huge sleepover Taylor wanted in the common area.

Suddenly, you realized that the ground was...moving? You sat up quickly in surprise and looked around the room. Everything seemed to be normal, which confused you.

"...what?" A masculine voice croaked. You looked behind yourself to where you were sleeping before, and instead of the ground you saw Todoroki.

'Was that movement his breathing?' You thought in your head with a massive blush over your whole face. How the hell did you end up on top of him?

"What's wrong, Y/n?" Todoroki asked while sitting up. "Are you sick?" He asked while looking at her red face. He reached to put a hand on your forehead, but you moved back and your blush seemed to grow.

"What?- uh- no, I'm good. I thought I heard something so- uh- I'mjustgonnacheckitoutreallyquicksobye," You said and got up. You speech walked towards the kitchen, leaving Todoroki alone with his thoughts.

He wondered why you were in such a rush to leave, and why your face was so red. He looked down at his shirt an noticed a drool mark on his shirt.

'Was Y/n laying on me?' Todoroki thought as he looked down at in surprise. He didn't really care about the mark, but his face turned completely red at the thought of you sleeping on top of him. He decided to go back to bed instead of confronting or thinking of his feelings for you.

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