chapter forty eight

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"Is everyone else okay?" Yaoyorozu asked. You were all currently in the hospital to treat your wounds, even though they were pretty minor.

"Yea, from what I've been told, they found a pro hero and was escorted back to the academy," You said while getting the cut on your arm wrapped by a nurse.

"Thats good," Midoriya said while smiling and getting his head patched up.

"Sorry, you guys will have to get bandaiges, we don't have anyone like your famed recovery girl," You said jokingly while blowing a kiss towards Midoriya. He blushed and quickly averted his gaze.

"Y/n, what about your brother-" Iida started but you interrupted him.

"My sisters is with him right now and he's stable. I just wanna make sure you guys are alright before I leave," You sighed. How the hell did this happen? You just wanted to go to dinner and it ended up like this. "Guys, I am so sorry,"

"Why are you apologizing? You didn't do anything- OW" Kirishima said while getting a cut in his arm cleaned.

"I know but I can't help but feel a little guilty,"

"That villian...he knew you?" Bakugo said seriously while gazing at you. You flinched at the question, not really wanting to talk about it.

"I usually don't talk about that, but since you guys got roped into this mess I'll tell you." You said while standing up from your seat, "But, not right now. When we get back to the academy, I'll tell you guys everything. Right now, I'm going to go visit my brother,"

"See you later, Y/n," Everyone said, or variations of it, while you walked out.

"Is she okay?" Iida asked while looking at you walk down the hallway.

"I don't know, but it definitely doesn't look like it," Todoroki said while crossing his arms.

"Slow down! I don't understand! You can't leave; stay in the bed!" S/n yelled while pushing her brother's shoulders.

"We have to go now and find Ivy!" B/n said while trying to get out of the bed.

"You almost died you idiot! Stop trying to leave-" S/n started but was interested by you entering the room.

"Okay what is going on?" You said while holding up your hands.

"He's trying to leave like idiot-"
"We have to leave right now!"

You sighed and just shook your head. "One person talk, I don't understand when you both talk at the same time,"

"B/n wants to leave right now," You sister sighed while letting go of your brother. You looked to B/n to signal that it was his turn to talk.

"We need to find Ivy, right now," He said seriously.

"Now why do we need to do that?" S/n said while crossing her arms, "She literally abandoned you-"

"No! That's not what happened, I don't think she betrayed us!" B/n said vehemently. This is the most emotional you've seen him in a while.

"Okay, just tell me the whole story," You said while pulling a chair and sitting on it.

"Well...." B/n started

"Damn straight, I think the only option we have is to stall until other heroes get here. Kronos, the last thing I want is for you to die here," Rouge said.

"Fine, I get the message," B/n said while pulling out his phone.

"Who are you calling?"

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