chapter ten

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"Y/n we need to talk, you've been dodging the meetings we were supposed to have," B/n said. You were currently sitting inside the common place for the new and improved Tower E. After the U.A. students, along with Via and Taylor, you waited for 20 minutes until your big bro arrived. He was obviously angry, so he proceeded to lecture you for another 10 minutes. Then, only after that, he fixed Tower E, returning it to its past state using his quirk. So, I guess the kitchen is actually old and the same instead of new and improved, huh?

To you, your hands sitting on the table was the most interesting object in the kitchen. You could feel his e/c eyes burn into your head, the intensity increasing because of your refusal to look at him. "Can you speak, or are you mute now?" He said, waiting for you to respond. You still refused to speak, having nothing to say to him. Your leg was started to ache because  of the fidgeting you were doing. He sighed, "Obviously this school is doing you no good since it was suppose to improve your behavior. I guess we'll just have to take you out of-"

"No!" You said while you slammed your hands on the table and looked at him with fierce eyes. Some things you weren't sure of, but one thing for sure was that you definitely weren't ready to leave Hero Academy.

"Oh now you can talk now, huh?" He said and you just nodded in response. He put his hands together and leaned back in his chair, "First of all, what the hell happened with your debut?"


"Nope! You had your chance to talk, I get to talk now. Your debut was a complete disaster," B/n said. You hung your head low since you were bummed out about how it went. "Mom and Dad left a legacy for ALL of us to keep afloat and right now you're just not doing your part-"

"Do you think that I'm not trying to be the best I can be? Stop getting mad at me for stupid shit. I'm literally trying my hardest out there. I'm sorry that I'm just not on the same level as you, B/n."

"You're right, were not on the same level. Your level should be way higher than mine. You're so much stronger than I was at that age-"

"I'm not that much stronger than you-"

"-yet somehow on my opening debut, my ranking was way higher than 50," B/n stated with hostility. You just sat there in slience. B/n, thinking that there was no point in continuing this conversation, stood up and grabbed his coat. "At this rate Y/n, you're never going to be able to earn your title"

B/n grabbed the rest of things and proceeded to walk out, though he stopped before leaving the doorway and said, "Don't become a disappointment,"

You sat there not really knowing how to feel or act, phasing ever sound out of your system, "Fuck my life," you said while slamming your head on the table.

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