chapter forty six

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"Guys, where are you?" You said while shakingly getting up. You finally sat up and looked around to see rubble all over the place. "Well damn, now all the food is ruined. I better get a refund,"

"I think we have bigger problems than that, kero," Asui said. You looked around to find the source of the voice, but you couldn't find it...?

"We've been separated," Midoriya said. You looked behind you to see him getting up and walking over to a pile of rubble.

"Seems that way," Iida concluded while helping Kirishima get up.

"Okay. First everyone should find everyone they possibly can on their side of the wall. Then, we'll compare to see if we're missing anyone," You said while getting up.

"Alright. After, I can float everyone to the other side of the wall to regroup," Uraraka said from the other side of the rubble.

"I'm not sure that's a good idea,"  Tokoyami said while sitting up. You sighed and looked behind yourself to see the chaos still happening.

"I agree. The explosion that happened in the restaurant separated us, but did help us partially. My group is on the side where the villian is clearly still at large. Uraraka's group can make a clean getaway because of this wall," You said out loud.

"Y/n, are you serious? We're heroes too, we can help take down the villains. We shouldn't be running away; we can't just leave you guys behind," Kaminari said from the other side.

"We're still students, and the only one licensed to fight here in public is Y/n," Todoroki said while dusting himself off and going to stand by Midoriya, Iida, and Tokoyami.

"Plus, my job is also to keep you guys save during your time here. I'm not going to endanger you guys if I don't have too." You sighed while spotting Yaoyorozu and helping her up.

"So what's the plan, so this doesn't turn into a shitshow?" Bakugo said while smirking at you.

"Uraraka, who do you have? I have Todoroki, Tokoyami, Iida, Midoriya, Bakugo, Kirishima and Yaoyorozu,"

"Well it seems like we have everyone else. Nobody's missing,"

"Okay so the plan. Uraraka, you and the rest of the group need to run away from the villian. Avoid fighting at all cost, but if you have to then so be it. If you see a civilian in danger, help them but don't stay to long. Stay as a group and find any pro hero approaching the scene. Tell them you're with Hero Academy and they'll immediately help you, got it?" You said, walking closer to the wall.

"Got it," Uraraka said.

"Let's go guys," You heard Jiro say, then the sound of footsteps fading off.

"What about for us then?" Yaoyorozu said while crossing her arms. You turned around to see your group waiting for your command.

"We're going to try to do the samething. We have to go away from the villian. We'll try to avoid fighting but we mostly likely will engage in some combat. Most civilians on this side will already by helped by minor pro heroes because of their proximity. When we find a pro hero, I'll drop you guys off with them, and the hero can take you back to the academy,"

"Drop us off? What Y/n, you're staying?" Iida said with surprise and confusion.

"I have too. My job is to protect you guys, but the city as well. I'm a licensed hero so I'm obligated to go help take down that villian. I can't have you guys there with me,"

"So you can have all the fighting to yourself? I don't think so," Bakugo said.

"You're just a kid like us, you don't have to fight a villian alone," Midoriya said while grabbing your arm and you jumped since you were surprised.

"We're not leaving you like that, I guess we'll just have to fight together. We've done it before," Kirshima said while grinning and you just chuckled.

"Fine then, if you won't leave then just stay by my side-" You said before you were interrupted.

"-Sorry to interupt, but I have my own thing to say," A deep masculine voice said. You looked around for the source, only to see a man sitting on the rooftop of the partially destroyed building next store.

"Who are you and what do you want?" You said in a menacing voice; the U.A. students around you quickly shifted into fighting stances.

"I'm the so called villian you speak of, and I came for you, little L/n. I have eyes everywhere, so when I heard you where here, I just got so excited,"

"I meant your name," You growled and he just chuckled.

"You don't remember me?" He said while tilting his head, showing off his glowing blue eyes. You blinked your eyes in confusion. Remember him?

"How ignorant of you to forget the name of your parent's killer. It's Beacon, don't forget it..."

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