chapter thirty six

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"You guys fought great today!" Via said to the U.A. class. You were all walking back to tower E and were talking about the rank test.

"Most of you lasted longer than I expected," Erron mumbled while eating a snack. Ezra hit him on the back of his head telling him to be quiet.

"I honestly can't wait for the results to come out! I wanna know what I got," Uraraka said excitedly. Asui agreed and then look to you.

"You were amazing, Y/n, kero. To be able to fight that many times and still go all out," Asui praised. You just gave her a gentle smile.

"Thanks but you know, that's my job as no. 1. Trust me, you definitely aren't far behind with that fight we had," You laughed and Asui blushed.

"Hey, cheater! We never got finish our fight!" Bakugo said, pushing his way to the front to confront you head on.

"Yea she did, just because you ran out of time doesn't mean the fight was unfinished," Via said while eating a snack with one hand and her arm around Taylor.

"Did I ask you-" Bakugo started before being interrupted by Midoriya. "Shut up, Deku!"

"Guys! It's fine, we can spar during class if you truly fell that it's unfinished," You giggled while putting your arms around Bakugo's and Midoriya's necks. Both blushed from the contact and stay silent for a bit.

"Get off me!" Bakugo said while moving away from you. You just laughed and hugged Midoriya.

"Fine, then Midoriya will get all of my hug," You replied while Midoriya looked like a tomato and steam was coming out of his ears.

"Midoriya might combust if you keep hugging him like that, Y/n," Taylor chipped in while taking a snack from Via.

'What the hell?' Bakugo wondered as he looked at the scene before him; Midoriya broke away from your hold but was apologizing profusely. He felt angry but didn't know why. Was it you? What did you do to him?

Before he could figure it out, he was interrupted but the sound of the door opening. They were already back at Tower E. They filed inside and instead of doing anything, everyone just seemed to collapse in the common room.

"Bro, I'm so tired. I feel like it's gonna be 2 weeks before I could even attempt to use my quirk again," Kirishima said while lounging on the couch.

"You're one to talk, look at Kaminari, he's an idiot again," Jiro said while looking at Kaminari. He shorted himself out during the fight and he was just sitting on the floor with his thumbs up.

"I feel like my tummy will never sparkle again," Aoyama said while lying on the floor holding his stomach. Next to him laid Sato, who looked like hell.

"I might die if I don't eat something," Sato said while dragging himself to the kitchen. Koda silently agreed but stayed were he was on the couch.

"Well, that's why we're here," Nia said while striking a cute pose. You just looked at her weirdly from your spot on the couch net to Todoroki.

"We knew you guys would be tired, so were gonna make you dinner, and then were gonna have a mandatory sleepover!" Taylor said while walking to the kitchen.

"Wait, why a sleepover though?" Sero questioned while slightly raising his head from the chair he was slouched in.

"Because Taylor said so," Via said while going to sit on the other side of you.

"Do you just do everything your girlfriend says?" You questioned while smirking at her. Via just blushed and crossed her arms.

"Shut up, before I go into the kitchen and start cooking," Via threatened while you almost threw up from the thought of it.

"You would kill us..."

"I know,"

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