Chapter 3: The yellow planet

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         That very night, Jeon Jungkook fell asleep in his office while all the lights and glowing stars lit up the room. In his mind, he only thought of how amazing it would feel to meet with the astronaut and ask him about how beautiful space was in person. The happy thoughts of the boy led him him to sleep as he thought of the endless possibilities that could surpass the interview he could give the older yet, adorable astronaut.

           However, as he slept; the boy was cuddled up in a small black couch when he began to dream. He dreamt of the stars, looking up at them and smiling as he seemed to be floating in nothing else. It was only then, Jungkook turned his head to see the same astronaut he held the pictures of closely. There Dr. Park Jimin stood. His gaze met the young boy's and all he could do was smile at the younger. The older man was dressed in the same outfit he wore in the cute picture Namjoon showed Jungkook for the first time ever. A grey jacket covering a white T-shirt, dark black overalls tented over his outfit and a black cap over his head full of dirty blond hair. His cheeks lit up and his smile cracked from the corners of his plump lips. Everything was silent and still as the two then appeared to be standing on a small planet that was fit for two. Jungkook could see every detail of the boy's face and oddly, there was oxygen in space. Of course, this was just a dream, but Jeon Jungkook never felt closer to the stars than just gazing at them like nothing.

              However, he stood there in front of the boy he looked up to as they both smiled in sync. Everything was beautiful around them. The stars filled the dark space around them, the atmosphere was warm and planets seemed closer than usual. “What… Planet are we on..?” Jungkook heard his own voice echo multiple times as Jimin blinked his eyes. Alas, the boy never knew how Jimin would sound, so Jimin stood there and looked down at a small, yellow and round planet they stood on together. It felt like a movie to Jungkook… Everything felt real until… He even felt the astronaut let out an exhale near him while they were close by each other now. They shared the yellow planet they stood on and just then, Jungkook heard a feminine voice erupting from a distance.

          “Jungkook!” Shouted the voice of a woman and with that, Jimin was gone and he was all alone on the little, yellow, planet. With that, he suddenly woke up to hear his own girlfriend tapping him and trying to wake him up. “Jungkook! Why didn't you answer my call? I thought you were still at work…” Worried Jungkook's girlfriend. It was Choi Lee-young; a beautiful woman at age twenty-two. Her eyes batted over her dark brown gaze, she wore a white T-shirt, a black jacket wrapped around her hips and denim shorts while she had yellow timberlands that matched perfectly with the style she had going on. Jungkook met eyes with the woman standing at the doorway of his office as she finally made a smile. Lee-young was beautiful. A slim and pale girl with her tight waist, black silk and long hair, eyelashes curling upwards and the scent of vanilla as her perfume she'd wear every time. “Overslept again… Didn't you?”

          “I-I… I think I did… What time is it?” Jungkook asked and that's when the girl rose her phone to show her boyfriend the time. It was about 11:46 AM. Showing that he was one hour late now and this made Jungkook's heart drop so suddenly. “FUCK!”

           “LANGUAGE!” Lee-young rose her gentle and not-so pitched voice and then let out a laugh as she watched Jungkook quickly jump up from the couch. “Ah, sit down Newton, I called your supervisor and told him you'll be late. However, it sounded like he really didn't care. He was happy and said you can take all the time you wanted. I guess… He was in a good mood?” Jungkook's girlfriend asked as she then shrugged.

           “No… It was because I finally found something and it was the rocket of our unit. Turns out, Rocket B248 had an astronaut by the name of Dr. Park Jimin. Mr. Park's son.” Jungkook told Lee-young as she then pointed her gaze at the pictures of the astronauts and caught two new pictures pinned against the wall.

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