Chapter 30: Faded craters

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         Jungkook kept kissing Jimin along the lips as he sat the older over the kitchen counters. Jimin was beautiful and his soft hums in between the kisses made Jungkook even pull back to then kiss Jimin once more, reuniting the smiles on their faces into the gleeful kiss the two of them waited for after so long. “Mine…” Jungkook whispered in between the kiss, calling Jimin his as he then rose his hands up Jimin's small waist and under his shirt. Feeling every crease and firm outline of the knobs on Jimin’s spine.

          The boy continued to touch Jimin's skin along his back into the kiss. Making Jimin only blush and his face grow hot until it rose temperature from the feeling. “M-Mr. Jeon… I like you…” Jimin repeated those same words he told Jungkook a week prior to this very moment.

            “I know… I like you too…” Jungkook responded and pressed his head against Jimin's forehead after they were done kissing. “Would you like to be mine, Mochi? Please say yes…” Proposed the boy and cupped Jimin's face into his own hands during the time Jimin was softly huffing from their makeout session.

            “I want to… I do. But, aren't you rushing into things, Jungkook?” Jimin whispered. Jungkook noted the tone of seriousness in Jimin's gentle voice since he called Jungkook other than ‘Mr. Jeon' like before. “I don't want you to… feel like I'm pressuring you. Jungkook, take your time… We already have eternity.”

            “I don't care, Jimin. I want you now. I don't want to wait for us… If I want you, I don't want to wait for you. We'll be together now and have forever. I don't want to wait forever and have never left right after. I… I don't want to wait.” Jungkook whispered and pressed his head against Jimin's shoulder to let out an exhale. “Park Jimin… Will you be my boyfriend?”

           “Y-Yes. I will, Jungkook.” Jimin replied and hugged Jungkook's body close towards his own body and grew happy with only smiles appearing over his face. “If you don't want to wait, I trust you. If you don't feel broken after what happened in the morning, I trust you. I trust… you to come to me and talk whenever you feel down. I'll do what you'd do” Spoke the man to the younger to show how far he'll go to comfort Jungkook whenever he needs him.

            “Thank you, Jimin. You're everything I could ever ask for…” Jungkook whispered, leaning in to give his first boyfriend a quick peck against his his soft lips that turned red along with his. “My first boyfriend… Park Jimin. Oh it just sounds so perfect to me, Mochi.” Jungkook chuckled and picked up a nearby, clean, blue cloth to wipe the flour off Jimin's face. “You're perfect.”

             “You're making me blush, Mr... Jeon!” Jimin giggled and shoved the boy back, but then Jungkook quickly pulled Jimin by the hands and intertwined with them. “Let's bake the cookies and stop… flirting and… playing around.”

              “If my Mochi says so~” Jungkook whispered to the older's ear. Just then, rain began to pour from the skies and a thunder clash could be heard from afar. “I hope the power doesn't go off, I really think we should watch that show together. Maybe it can change your mind about leaving the K.S.C.U.” Suggested the astronomer, but Jimin only sighed at the thought of it. The boy then reached out for a paper towel and turned on the kitchen sink so he could wet it and begin wiping the white powder off of Jimin's chubby face. “Maybe?”

               “Maybe…” Jimin replied and watched how his boyfriend began to wipe the older's face and look into his eyes. Just those guilt tripping, glistening, big, and round eyes fixed onto Jimin, like he wanted to agree going back to the facility; noting that doing so could just wreck him emotionally. Especially when Taehyung was still at the unit, living everyday like he normally would. Not even caring enough to check on Jimin or fix anything between them.

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