Chapter 41: My Polaris Star

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            With worry filling inside of Jimin after raising his voice at his father, he let out an exhale and ran his own hand through his hair. “I can do this…” Jimin whispered to himself before picking out the clothes from the luggage and folding them into the cabinets. He no longer had his father's guidance and his relationship with the elder stretched far like the Sun to the lonely planet, Pluto. “I don't need him… Jungkook loves me… So, Jungkook will help me.”

             Jimin set his clothes into the cabinets and thought on his own the whole time. He felt like he didn't need his father to ruin his relationship to keep him ‘safe' either way, he still needed to grow dependent without the younger man by his side. Jimin wasn't in the right, but he alone felt as if he was doing the right thing in his life for telling his father to stop getting in between his relationship like before. “I feel so disgusted… Why did I have to yell at him like that?” Jimin spoke to himself. Feeling guilt strike him like he was pelted with a pile of bricks and only then, Jungkook opened the bedroom door to see the older folding clothes and putting it away into his cabinets.

           “Jimin... What did you do?” Jungkook asked and approached his lover sitting on the ground so quiet and silent. “Did you… kick your father out… For me?”

            “He was planning to take us apart just like before when Namjoon and I were a couple…” Jimin told his lover and stood up before coughing into his elbow. “So, I told him that you'll be by my side no matter what.”

            “Oh Jimin… I think too much of me is bad for you… You won't grow to be on your own. Every night, you need me to hug to sleep and you can't spend a day without me like before. I love you, but at times.. Things will get hard for us. It will be difficult for you to get used to society especially since I can't stand watching you go through the pain.” Jungkook told Jimin and folded his arms to sigh. “I'm scared to teach you that…”

             “W-We can get through this together… You'll teach me! You always have. We can also sleep in separate rooms for a whole week or more so I can learn, Jungkook!” Jimin desperately begged as Jungkook slowly met eyes with Jimin. “Please… Anything to keep my father away from pulling us apart. I'll do this with you. I'm determined to get cured under your watch.” Jimin begged. Jungkook then moved in closer and hugged Jimin in his arms. “I want to show him… I want to show him that he's wrong.”

             “You would really tell your father off for me… And then try to prove him wrong?” Jungkook asked and then let out a chuckle. “Oh, my little Mochi~ if we are going to do this… Then that means..” Jungkook then pulled away from the hug and backed up. “Starting tonight, you will sleep in your own bed, maybe when you're feeling a little better, we can walk around the neighborhood and practice by there.” Jungkook assured and the thought of it scared Jimin a little. He had to sleep on his own, eventually have to walk on his own outside the house and sometimes go out with the younger. “We could even go on dates together if that's okay…”

           “D-Dates?” Jimin asked with a star-like-shine flashing through his round and beautiful eyes. “We could go on our first date… M-Maybe to the movies!”

           “Maybe we can. It all relies on how far you get. Right now, you can't go out since you're sick, but we can take baby steps. You can sit out in the porch for a while to take in nature. I know only a few people walk around the neighborhood, so they'll see you and keep walking. Trust me Jimin, it will be easy!” Jungkook assured and made a smile. “You'll get better, I know it. Think of your goal as our first date. Then, we can really make it happen.” Jungkook promised. All those words made Jimin happy to start as soon as possible. He thought of his goal and nodded his head happily. However the road to it was only going to get tougher along the way.

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