Chapter 56: The warmth of Mars~

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          After a long wait, Jimin finally joined Jungkook in the car where Jungkook kept his hands locked over the steering wheel. He was extremely silent and had his constant thoughts to himself. That's when he kept thinking about his trip and that alone weighed him down. It stressed the young man out and made him nervous. He went through his own breakdowns within his own head at any second and just as soon as Jimin pulled the door to step in, Jungkook suddenly snapped back into reality and swept it all under the rug to hide it from his true love.

            “Jungkook, let's go. Maybe by there, I can ask my father to give you an hour break… I'll be there too. Without you, what can I possibly do over there?” Jimin asked and adjusted his seatbelt over his torso and locked it in. “I'll be too bored with only Taehyung at the chamber…”

              “So you're coming with me inside the supply room? I'll just rest there and catch up on sleep. I hope you know that, Park Jimin. Besides, you can try to remember what you did on that rocket so you wouldn't forget.”

               “I'm not going to leave you alone, Jungkook… I'll be right by your side! I spent one month without you and I can't even imagine a full hour without your smile! I love you too much.”

                “You stay away from me for a good month and now you just can't get off of me. Oh Jimin, I thought this was going to help you. Not have you clinging onto me as soon as you saw me after a long month! Ah, you're so adorable. You're like a little puppy running to me just to be by my side~” Jungkook assured and by there, Jimin let out a cute giggle and looked away from Jungkook as soon as the younger tried to caress his face. “Just like a little puppy.”

                “O-Oh shut up!” Jimin laughed as Jungkook then began to drive to work with Jimin by his side. Since they were on their way to work, they made sure to pick up coffee along the way and eventually, they made it to work. Jungkook walked with Jimin tagging along his side like a little puppy himself. It was now that Jimin himself began to chase Jungkook as if he alone turned into a satellite himself.

                As soon as they walked inside the facility, Jimin left Jungkook's side to run over to his father and ask while Jungkook stood there by himself to take a glance out the window where the B400 stood in place. Jungkook always hid his worries and could just imagine the torture of getting back from space and losing ability to walk, just like Jimin. “Fuck…” The young man whispered to himself and kept his eyes glued onto the B400. There was never a moment where he couldn't stop thinking about his trip and there was never a moment where he ever grew excited about the trip as well. He was too excited about the stars back then that even now, his love for the stars wasn't able to carry him. Jungkook alone began to despise space altogether.

                “Father!” Jimin called out and caught up to Mr. Park right down the hall of the care unit. “Father, good morning!” Jimin greeted his own father as the elder finally turned around and handed Jimin his phone for the first time in months. “O-Oh my phone…”

              “You haven't used your phone at all and I was beginning to think of selling it!” The elder pointed out and handed Jimin his phone in return. “You're here early, is Jungkook going into training now?”

                “Not now… Jungkook isn't feeling himself at the moment. He's sleepy and I was wondering if he can have an hour break. He seems very sleepy and I can tell he has a lot of stress going on.” Jimin told his father as the elder began to chuckle.

               “Ah, Jimin did you try to leave the boy alone for one second? He must be tired and you could be holding him back from resting.” Mr. Park joked around as Jimin shook his head and looked down at his own phone for the first time in a while. “You're driving him insane!”

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