Chapter 5✅

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"What do you mean what she smells like?" Ask Stiles.

"Everyone has a distinguish smell to them", explains Derek.

"She could be a banshee or", Alan thinks for a minute. "Derek when you went into Stiles room what did it smell of to you?"

"Electricity, nature and her scent honeysuckle and roses. Her room also smelled of magic and traces of Lydia".

"Ah guys what's a banshee?"

"It's a person who screams the name of a person who is going to die", explains Derek. "But there have been people who were a mix of banshee and other creatures like sirens".

"There are creatures that feed on other people's magic. She would have gotten close to you because she felt a little bit of magic coming from you. Just so she could feed off you", says Alan.

"Is there a chance she's not evil?"

"When she comes back here acting like nothing is wrong which she will judging by what I saw earlier. Focus on the property line and the door. You know how you had to break the line of mountain ash for me to cross into your house". Stiles nods at Derek, "If she's evil the barrier on the house will zap her backwards".

"Right let's see those books you were left Ms Stilinski it's getting late after all", Alan began putting stuff in his bag.

"Alan I have two guest rooms you and Derek are welcome to stay the night".

"Thank you for the invite Ms Stilinski, I accept lucky for me I always keep a spare set of clothes in my car. The hazards of my line of work I imagine Derek you will go to your car for the same reasons".

Derek starts to follow Alan out the door, Stiles found herself alone in her house and she didn't like the silence. Soon Derek and Alan returned with duffle bags. She shows them each to a room and made a start on opening her package from her dad.

The first thing she saw was a detailed notebook with need to know written on the front cover in her mother's writing. Her breathe hitched seeing evidence of her mother in front of her.

When she opened it an envelope drops out, she puts it aside and begin to look through the notebook. There were different spells written down, recipes for potions, information on different supernaturals. She realised it was a diary for sparks, she opened another book to see it was about werewolves. Their hierarchy and information about the full moon and their strength and weakness. Alan and Derek came and sit beside her on the sofa.

Alan holds up an address book he took from her bundle and begin to look through it.

"Its an address book with phone numbers of other sparks and other magical people like witches and druids like me. Hang on my details are in here which includes the date your mother last spoke to me and why. She really was throughout your mother, do you have a picture of her?"

Stiles get her phone out and show her mother's photo to Alan. He wiped his eyes, "Your mother was Claudia Dabrowski?"

"Dabrowski was her maiden name".

"We worked together on some cases, I had a lot of respect and admiration for her, many did in the magical community. You would have been born with magic why have you not know about it till now?"

"Maybe her roommate had something to do with it", Stiles looks at Derek.

"I remember my mum and I use to work in her garden she would show me how to plant the different flowers and  and herbs. She would tell me which ones to never plant together. Which ones when use together packed a punch. And she always wanted me to have a certain plant in my garden. A lot of what we planted then I have in my garden now. Because it's what she told me my own garden will one day need. Her diary has pictures of what I have in my garden now", she shows them her mother's diary.

"What plant did she always want you to have in your garden?" Enquired Alan.

"This one", Alan looks at the picture Stiles points to.

"Its a protection plant sparks are said to use it for personal protection. Did you say anything when you were planting it?"

"Mum always had a song we would sing when we went near that plant. I didn't sing the song it reminded me too much of Mum".

"That's why Lydia was able to steal some of your magic. You didn't fully protect your body and because you did only half the ritual you only get half the protection".

"Alan is that why I didn't get a prickly feeling when I touched the plant now like I did in my childhood?"

"Yes I suspect your mother taught you spells and rituals without you realising that's what she was doing. Do you remember most of what she taught you?"


"How does she do a complicated spell or any at all, she doesn't speak?" Ask Derek.

"Well Derek think of it this way, if you were deaf and a werewolves. You would still be a werewolf and have all the traits that come with it. Stiles is a spark she's magically more powerful than me. Her being deaf doesn't change that, her magic adapts to her deafness. Her magic is based on believe so in her case she signs or thinks it.

If you were deaf from birth your wolf would not know anything else but deafness. You would've learnt sign language and your wolf being your wolf would pick it up and understand you. He would then project in your mind a conversation using sign language . Magic works the same way my boy".

"I'm beat can we pick this up tomorrow guys".

"Sure", replies Alan

Stiles says goodnight to them and walk into her room. She decides to change her sheets and vacuum to remove as much of Lydia as possible.

The next morning she woke up look at her phone and saw it was after ten. She jump up thinking she was late for work before remembering It was Sunday.

She brushes her teeth, showers and change into black skinny jeans and an olive sweater with black boots. She brushes her hair and put it in a messy bun then walks into her kitchen to make herself a coffee.

"Morning Stiles".

"Morning Derek, Alan still sleeping?"

"He sends his apologies, mum needed him for something, I made breakfast, pancakes, sausage and bacon".

"Thank you", she pours herself a coffee. "Your Mum is the Alpha right what is she the alpha of exactly?"

"New York all of it, some of our family members are in charge of different parts of the city, but overall she's in control. A supernatural coming to the city has to get her permission to stay or pass through. Then there are rogues, which are werewolves without a pack who can cause destruction and death. While trying to get power but not all rogues are bad".

"What do you mean they're not all bad?"

"If a werewolf loses a spouse and the pack decides for whatever reason they don't want the widow living with them anymore. They become pack-less, a rogue. I have seen babies put up for adoption who were wolves in the human care system. They could be considered a rouge".

"So magic is real wow I didn't dream yesterday".

Derek laughs, "Yes it is, you have a lot of reading to do. It seems your mother left you everything you need to know about being a spark. My family's library will have general books on magic as well. They will not be as in-depth as your mother's diaries obviously but the books are there for when you want to read more about supernaturals. My mum has given you permission to read them".

"She knows I'm a spark?"

"Alan as our emissary had to tell her it's part of his job. The more information he knows the more we can be safe. Don't forget your roommate can't be trusted".

"Fair enough, I hate to think what I would have come home to last night if you didn't twig something seemed off with Lydia. Speaking of yesterday I had a really good time it's still your turn to choose where we go next week".

"Stiles why do you think your father never told you that you were magical and only now gave you your mother's things. He had fifteen years to give it to you?"

"I can't really answer that question Derek only he can but it makes me think. Is moving here is for a reason that's more than being close to his daughter".

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