Chapter 6✅

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"Come on breakfast".

"How long have you been up?"

"About an hour."

"I hope I didn't insult you last night with the question about the spell".

"It's fine", she stops signing and put some pancakes on her plate. She adds syrup, sausage and bacon to it. They eat in silence then Stiles clears the table and fill the dishwasher. While Derek takes a shower and get ready for the day.

He finds her in the living room reading her mother's diary, "I need to head out but I'll be back later. That's if you want me to give you a hand boxing up Lydia's things".

"I never asked you where you live".

"I have a triplex penthouse apartment on the upper east side."

"That spare room is yours now, especially now I know you're not or ever will be some big nasty. Could you maybe stay here couple nights a week".

"You're scared."

"Yes, I had a fifteen year friendship that was full of secrets and lies. Lydia was such a great friend Derek and I don't know if her boyfriend Jordan is supernatural either. It's funny she was due to move out anyway and I was looking forward to having my house to myself. Now knowing what I do, I dread being here alone".

"How about this you come to my family's dinner tonight and I'll introduce you to my sisters Cora and Laura. That way you have some new girlfriends to talk to".

"Won't your family mind me being there?"

"Not one bit its not like they don't know about you ".

He leaves and Stiles starts reading her Mother's Diary in earnest. She was reading the potions section when she realises. She had everything to make a temporary disabling potion. She put on her coat and head for her garden and greenhouse. Stiles remembers to say the song she now knows is part of a ritual. Over the plant her mother insists she must always plant in her garden. Stiles finishes signing the song, she tugs on the plant and doesn't feel the prickly feelings but instead she feels a sensation of calmness come over her.

She look out at the forest beyond, she loved even on a cold day sitting outside with a hot chocolate staring at the trees. Now after reading about sparks she knows it's because she and Mother Nature are intertwined. She could feel like the trees were calling to her, she gets a flash of an image of a pathway in her mind.

She follows the image in her mind and she stops at a tall tree that looked like it was on the verge of dying. She reaches out and touches it and it was like she was seeing the forest for the first time. She could smell the different scents from blades of grass to damp leaves.

She feels a tug in her chest and with her hand still on the tree she smiles, "We're connected now. You've been waiting a long time for me to come haven't you", she thinks.

The trees leaves started blowing as if they were answering her question Stiles look up at it and smiles. The leaves were beginning to look healthier and the tree seemed to be changing from an almost dying tree to a healthy tree. She stays by the tree for some time just taking in Mother Nature.

Then she walk back home, opens her back door and walk into her back room. Stiles makes a beeline for the washroom downstairs and freshens herself up. She opens Lydia bedroom and for the first time could feel traces of magic. She walk back out the door and decides to make herself a cup of tea. She feels her phone vibrating, "I'm at your house on your lawn. I need you to break the mountain ash circle so I can get in".

She opens her front door and sees Derek, Stiles breaks the circle and let him in, "We're going to have a problem with you staying here and someone needing to break the circle to let you in all the time. Why didn't you ring the door bell?"

"You can't hear the door bell."

"Stay here and make yourself a drink, Derek is pouring the boiling water into two mugs. When he sees a small device on the kitchen countertop flashing and it clicks for him.

"You have a flashing doorbell", he signs at Stiles who comes back in the room and adds sugar to her tea.

She nods at him, "Next time I'll ring the doorbell".

"Please do and if you do and I don't answer then you text my phone. If there's still no answer when you know for sure I'm in the house. Then you know most likely something is wrong with me".

"That's a good way to let someone know you need help. What are we going to do about the mountain ash circle?"

"How about this I make a gap in the circle only you know about. That way you can get in when I'm not here or I make an exception for you. So the protection spells let you through".

"Both those ideas sound great."

"Do you think Alan has gone overboard with the mountain ash circle. I mean would it not have been better to do the window sills and so forth".

"It's up to you to decide what you want done, it's your house and safety at stake. We should get started on packing up Lydia's stuff". They spend four hours packing up her room. "As she gotten in touch with you since she left yesterday?"

"No, she could be at her boyfriends house".

"I'm sorry to tell you I had someone look into her. She isn't in the process of buying a house, she already as one. She's been listed as the owner for over a year now, if I were you. I would sent her stuff to that house so she knows you know about it".

"I'll call up some movers and have them come tomorrow, wait I have work."

"I can be here to greet the movers, the sooner she and her stuff are gone the better. We need to get going Mum is expecting us for dinner."

"Remind me to have a locksmith meet us here on the way back from your family dinner. I want to change the locks tonight just in case her boyfriend has a key to my house".

"Someone in our pack is a locksmith I can call them and have them meet us after dinner. they can change your locks for you".

"Thank you I would appreciate that very much".

Derek drives them to his mother's house,"Wow I didn't know I would know people who could afford houses like this. Damn you'll rich, knowing it and seeing evidence of it is two different things".

"Come on in, you forget there's lots of us and we have extended families who live here".

"Wait it's not just your mum and dad and staff living here?"

"My uncle Peter and his family live here, plus my sisters and I still have a bedroom here. There's also lots of guest rooms as well."

A tall woman with brown hair and green eyes greet them, "Derek it's lovely to see you".

She turns to Stiles, "You must be Stiles, you look just as beautiful as your mother".

"You knew my mother?"

"We met on several occasions over the years before her death, she was a wonderful woman. I'm sorry she didn't get a chance to tell you about your powers. How are you dealing with the news?"

"First off it's lovely to meet you Mrs Hale."

"Talia please none of this Mrs Hale nonsense".

Stiles smiles and look down at her hands wondering when she and Derek decided to hold hands. She removes her hands from his leaving him looking hurt.

"I read some of my mother's books and visited a tree that was dying. Which I touched it's now healthy and growing again".

"You touch the Nemeton, it started to died when your mother died.  When you touched it you heal it causing it to spring back to life. Thank you for healing it Stiles, to think you bought a house with it in your backyard. Without knowing about magic or the supernatural at the time".

"It seems fate makes sure you end up where you need to in the end", she follows Talia into the living room which was empty and sit on one of the sofas.

"Where is everyone?"

"Just waiting to hear if it's okay to come in."

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