Chapter 28✅

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When Stiles and the others arrive at her dad's house they unpack the groceries and marinate the meat.

"We need to help Issac pack his flat up. I'm just glad he wasn't working at a hospital. So I don't need to wait for him to work his notice", says Stiles.

That night Stiles saw Melissa McCall for the first time since she returned to Beacon Hill. The brunette beauty was just as Stiles remembered her and just as loving and warm.

The week pass clearly and Stiles and the others were now spending their second week in Beacon Hills. Stiles felt like she was being watched again, the Hales and McCall's were all at the ice cream shop enjoying a treat.  Stiles hears Lydia's name being mentioned, "What was that about Lydia?"

"Just she come back here so often I expected to see her turn up to welcome you back".

Stiles realised she never told Scott the truth about her, "She's evil personified. Anyone you see her hanging around with don't trust them, we can't talk here. I'll tell you more at home".

Kira took the kids home while Scott went back to Stiles father's house. When they got there Stiles told Scott and Issac what Lydia did to her and about her building burning down. They were floored that someone who seemed so nice could be so wicked. They left out the part about her being dead, but did let Scott know she could steal people's magic.

"Where does she stay when she comes for visits?" Ask Derek.

"Her old place, her mum stills own it".

"We need to go by there as soon as possible and scope it out and see if we can get inside", says Stiles.

"My god she was little miss butter wouldn't melt she had us all fooled".

The Hales, Scott and Issac drove up to Lydia's old house. The lights were on and people could be seen in there the resident. "What the hell if I didn't know any better I would think there was a party going on. I'm going to get some people to watch this place 24/7 and take some photos".

"Actually Scott we need to take a look at the house right now. To see if we can figure out what's going on something tells me it's not a party", says Derek sounding worried. "Lydia was a murder we need to know if these people are following her or just squatting in an empty house".

Derek get off the phone to Scott and they all exit their car and everyone decides to split up. Stiles look in the window and saw that a ritual was taking place. It looked like someone was about to be sacrificed. she gasps when she realised it was Frankie.

"Bloody hell Derek", she freezes the scene and Warrior comes out of her. Warrior looks at the scene, "I'm going to take a closer look".

She disappears and they watch her appear in the house, Stiles look again at the scene in front of her and sees that while most of the people were frozen one person was not.

She gasp, "What the hell that's Hermes what is he doing in there?" The Warrior takes Hermes outside, he looks fondly at Derek and the two Stiles.

"What the hell Hermes you're a messenger not a killer", Stiles say to him.

"Persephone, Zeus knows about your plans to keep this world just as it it after you leave. He and your father have been in several meetings about it. It goes without saying he needs to speak to you and Hades about it".

"That doesn't explain why you're here?" says Stiles. "Dad could have told us this information".

"I've been tracking you since you came to this town, Zeus and Hades creates you three beautiful worlds and now Hades create this for both of you. The other gods are jealous of what you have and what was done for you. They can't interfere in your worlds it's forbidden, but as this is part of your father's realm technically the realm of the gods they can".

"Son of a bitch they found a loophole".

"No it's STILL your world Derek my father is a Norse god this is his domain. When the battle of the gods were fought years ago the Norse gods won. My father gave you permission to create this world in his realm Derek because his word his law here. Anyone who comes here and start trouble will anger him and he may declare war once more on the gods".

"You're right I didn't tell Zeus I created this world because it's not his domain".

"And that is the problem, I'm here to watch over you and see that no harm comes to you while you're here in Beacon Hill. Your father gave me permission to be here, Hades your brother loves you so much and I can see by not telling him your plans. You made sure he wouldn't be blame for knowing about it and not telling the remaining gods about it", says Hermes.

Stiles takes Hermes hand and put it on her stomach, "You're with child, we have not had any children born to a god in eons. This is indeed good news this gives hope to me and my wife that it's possible to become parents. Maybe Mariah can stay here and..", he stops speaking as sadness overtakes him.

He collects himself, "One of the gods has been trying to replicate how you came into this world not knowing your true self". They don't understand how you born and die and born and die again and return to the underworld. Your husband and Zeus kept that knowledge away from them.

The ritual being perform in there is to posse a body. The people doing the ritual don't really know the real reason they're doing it. They just think it's a murder, they're paid to do.

"That girl in there has had a hard life, she was weeks away from graduating to be a doctor when her father almost killed her mother. She spent years being physically and emotionally abuse by a father who's supposed to love her. She never really bullied you did she think back over everything that happened to you Stiles. Frankie did what the others ask of her but look at her face and see how she doesn't want to do it.

She was being blackmailed, her boyfriend who was cheating on her with her best friend knew about her home life. Frankie didn't want it getting around town and school she and her mum got hit at home because she didn't want to go into the foster care system.

So she did what she had to, to survive as strange as it sounds. Hurt people hurt people, I think once you save her Scott should offer her and her mother the bite. She'll be able to stop using that walker to get around, the pains in her legs should disappear with werewolf healing".

Stiles turns away from the scenes that Hermes replayed of her being bullied and of Frankie and her mother's home life. "She lied she told us she left in her third year, she was embarrassed that's why Laura smelt regret from her".

"If I may say Persephone, a person like that given a chance in life will astound you with how they turn their life around. They're usually waiting for someone to give them a chance and an opportunity to get out of their situation".

"He's right Stiles it's your call you saw the memories he extracted from Frankie. The memories show she was a reluctant participant, it doesn't absolute her but you can now understand the why better".

"Fine I'll ask Scott to bite her and her mum, now how are we going to unfreeze this world and save Frankie. Without Scott and the others seeing that the scene has changed", Ponders Derek.

They walk around the house to see where the others were standing. Lucky for them the other Hales, Scott and Issac weren't looking in the window they were just walking up to it.

The Warrior turns to Hermes "Get back in position. She turns to Derek, "husband let's have some fun". He grins at her.

"We need one of them alive to find out who hired them".

"Let's go, Scott knows I've magic so you teleporting into the house with me won't look odd to him".

They disappear and Stiles restarts the world. The Warrior wrestles the man with the knife and he drops it, she kicks him in the groin. Derek tackles two of the men and as their heads collided a horrible sound could be heard. He pinches the neck of one of the men and he goes down.

The man the Warrior kneed in the groin was making a whinny sound. She sees the only woman in the group going for the knife. Warrior makes it become very hot and the dark hair woman drops the knife. The Warrior smiles at the woman, "Who fun it's been a while". She kicks the woman in the stomach sending her flying.

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