Chapter 21✅

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But she couldn't with Derek interpreting for her Stiles told the doctors she wanted the sickness tablets. They went back into the waiting room to wait for some blood results. Stiles looked at her sonogram and smile. She may not be able to hear their baby's heartbeat but she could see him or her and see how much they've grown.

The doctor calls them back into his room to give them the blood results. Stiles was slightly anaemic and she would have to take iron tablets. She was also told she need to put on a few more pounds.

After they left the doctor's office Stiles and Derek went to Cora's diner. Where Stiles orders stir-fried spinach and broccoli with brown rice. She also orders chicken in a tomato sauce. Derek only wanted burger and fries. "It's a good job we went to the doctors today before my iron got even lower".

Derek put down his burger and holds Stiles hand, "We're very lucky we should get mum something as a thank you gift. If it wasn't for her we would have waited till our next appointment".

They finish their meal with the knowledge none of the Hales went to work after what happened the day before.

Stiles and Derek went to the mall and she bought Talia a nice wool sweater and a scarf. Derek bought his mum a necklace with her initials on it as well as a charm bracelet.

They pop into Stiles workplace she had a temp filling in for her. She ask her receptionist how the days been so far. Then Stiles get some paperwork to take away with her. She and Derek stop off at the Hale office building so he could pick up some files he needed.

Stiles was in Derek's office when someone came in without Derek's phone ringing to tell her to expect a visitor. Which she thought was odd as his secretary and P.A. knew she was there. A tall man wearing a black suit walks in. "Excuse me I didn't knew someone was in here are you Mr Hales new secretary or something?"

How odd thought Stiles she's married to a billionaire, her picture is in the papers a lot with him by her side. Yet this man doesn't know who she is was. Which was odd especially if he was one of Derek's employees.

"I didn't get your name".

"It's Trent Martin".

"Well Trent did you want something?"

"No I just wanted to see if Mr Hale has some papers for me".

"How is it you can sign?"

"I was just always interested in the language".

"I'm confused the admin outside would have told you Derek wasn't available, yet here you're in his office why?"

"Like I said Before I was looking for some papers."

"Looking for or looking through his papers. What are you really doing in here and why did the receptionist let you in?"

"I don't have to answer to you", there was a knock on the door.

Derek's secretary Tamera walks in, "Sorry it took so long Mrs Hale but I wanted to make sure you got the good hot chocolate".

Trent looks shocked at that news, "I better go relieve Susan she's covering the desk for me".

When Tamara leaves Stiles turns to Trent, "I'm guessing you've been sleeping with Susan or you've flirted constantly with her. Something tells me this isn't your first time snooping in my husband's office when he's not here".

Trent goes to leave but is stopped from doing so with magic, Derek walks through the door and Stiles unfreezes Trent. Trent looks confuse for a moment and Stiles sips her hot chocolate.

"Trent here came into your office for papers. He doesn't seem to understand as the big boss it's YOU that gives him papers or his boss. And he's brazen enough to walk into the owner of his company's office without permission. I'm going to call security and tell them to hold him in a room while you check if he's an actual employee here".

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